Mount Conness is a 12.5k ft peak in the Sierra Nevada on the border of the Inyo National Forest and Yosemite. The trail to the peak includes a pass by of the Hall Natural Area ( which is an incredible meadow area that was used as a biological research station.

We did not make it all the way to the summit as we veered off track toward the end but we were very close. Let me know if you got any questions on the climb!

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  1. Beautiful opening converging view of the the East Side meadow valley approach to Conness! Really caught my eye giving me memories. You guys did some great scouting. Me and my guys had done the same. Took us to attempt #3 before summiting Conness. Since 1st Summit I had done it yet a second time. The secret is to when you get to the group of little water falls; head up straight staying on the right of the water straight up to Alpine Lake. I call this Wall#1. Then from ALake begin Wall #2 to the Snow Bowl. (I think that's where your opening view shot was) After Wall #2 when you're at the saddle looking down (north) to The Conness Glaciers and North Peak you look straight up to begin Wall #3. After rising Wall # 3 you are rewarded with a beautiful view of The Monolith of Majesty: Conness. It's a quick scramble to top this Monolith, more scary than technical. You we're almost there! You can do it on try #2 instead of #3 as we did! Check out out episodes:
    Conness Scout II:
    Summiting Conness:
    Conness Summit II:
    Cheers!! You captured some great views!! James

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