The Best & Worst of Madrid, Spain. From fantastic tapas bars and nightlife to cultural opportunities galore like the Prado Museum, Reina Sofia Museum and the Palacio Real there are so many things to love about Madrid… But a few things you might not like about Madrid, like your need to speak a little Spanish, not knowing which train station to head to to visit the cool day trips and a few other little things. Overall Madrid is amazing and well worth visiting.
Filmed in Madrid, Spain
Copyright Mark Wolters 2014


  1. The issues with the Atocha and Chamartin train stations will be gone in a couple of months with the creation of a new tunnel linking both of them. Also, Madrid's main train station is Atocha, so take that as reference.

  2. I went to Madrid in 2007 and Barcelona in 2008 and I felt like more people spoke English in Madrid than they did in Barcelona which was kind of suprising considering Barcelona gets more foreign tourists.

  3. Nice video. If u are a smart person, yo should know that madrid is full of all nationalities. if u want to ask question it should not be targeted to only natural spanish. u can always find help from anyone, but do not limit yourself to only spanish indegenes.

  4. Man, what you said about the climate is exaggerrated. It snows in Madrid rarely and freezing temperatures are also rare. And in summer it can get to 40 C, but those are extreme temperatures that happen once in a while…normal daytime summer temperatures in Madrid are 30-35 C, but there is no humidity, so that heat is much better than the one in New York for example.

  5. Raciones means porcions, thats different to tapas, you just don't get the spanish here because the english words for tapas doesn't really exist, its not ripping you off, its just like that. Also paella is not from madrid. Thats like asking to go to the space center in nebraska eventhough its in florida. Sure they could show you a video of it, but if you wanna see it, youl have to go to Florida. Same logic.

  6. It's a big mistake to think that madrid is newer than london or paris, for instance, both have been rebuilt almost entirely during the end of the xix and first half of the XX centuries , after wars , revolts, pagues and fires, even monuments as the parliament of london, the Big Ben , most of the grand boulevards of paris are not really old.The same goes for most of the german and polish cities, that were almost completely destroyed during the 2 world war. Lisbon were rebuilt after the big earthquake in the year of 1755 , and i could go on with many other places as well. In madrid you will find neighbourhoods whose street's layout dates back from the XVI century . I'd say that as european capitals , only rome or Athens could boast to be clearly older than madrid (well, maybe prague as well)

  7. The only thing I hated about Madrid happened in the train station where I went into the pharmacy and I asked for a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Since I couldn’t say “hand sanitizer” in Spanish, I rubbed my hands together and the lady who worked there handed me a small container of what I thought was hand sanitizer. When I squirted the contents of the container onto my hands and rubbed them together, I discovered that I had bought soap instead of hand sanitizer. I had to find the rest room to wash off the soap. I didn’t really hate that. I love visiting foreign countries and trying to communicate with the locals through the language barrier. I loved everything about Madrid – especially Plaza Mayor, where we stayed in an apartment for a few days.

  8. My daughter 13yrs old and I . We are going to Spain for 13 days I bought a global pass to move around from city to city . My question for you is , should I buy a unlimited passes for buses and metro to move into the city? I am a little confused on that . You help will be much appreciated! Thank you! 😃

  9. Yo al menos se algunas palabras en inglés, saludar, pedir un café y hacer la compra. He estados en Irlanda y UK y gente que vienen todos los años a veranear no saben ni tan siquiera decir adiós . Entonces pregunto nosotros que hablamos el segundo idioma más hablado en el mundo debo hablar el inglés ¿ Por qué? Que aprendan los de habla inglesa Y para comprobar cuanto se habla su idioma en el mundo que se echen una mochila encima y que recorran el mundo. Lejos de los circuitos para turistas o en los negocios encontraran muy poca gente que lo hable, incluso en países europeos.

  10. Lol this weird guy is a mess. “You will hate the public transport but you’ll love the public transport.” “Madrid doesn’t have old stuff but here’s some cool day trips”.

    Madrid is amazing. The weather can be hot but it’s a dry heat and some hotels have pools so everyone just chill. Paella sucks, well duh, do you get good BBQ in Minnesota ? SMH.

  11. Hi Wolter thanks for this awesome video. Question 🙋‍♂️ how’s the taxi transportation in Madrid? Is it expensive? What do you recommend? Thank you

  12. I am agree with some of your points. I have been in Madrid for one week but it was mixed feelings for me. Its cool to visit again. It feels sometimes little bit too much liberal 😅 which I am not used to. Little culture shock but overall very lively city!

  13. Lets include an aspect to hate about Madrid as #1 is the Pick Pocketing and Tourist Scams which may include the Bracelet Wrap, Petition, Ring, Rose Flower, & Bird Poop/Mustard scams out there.

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