Meet the team working to complete the Sagrada Familia by 2026.
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Inside La Sagrada Familia: Barcelona’s Unfinished Masterpiece | TIME


  1. God may be thinking why do you build this huge structure for millions and millions of dollars when you could use the money to provide food and shelter for the poor. What is the purpose of such a costly structure? They could build a lot of housing that many people need. Instead they spend millions on a decorative empty spaces that serve no purpose other than to be looked at in awe

  2. It's sad once this people's were beautiful,loving and ardent Muslim believers but forced to convert to Christianity by the evil rulers……

  3. So we will be able to go all the way up to the Jesus Tower and to be able to go out and look out over Barcelona and the idea is to feel what it might be like to be closer to God. Well if that's what you want you can have that feeling and experience that reality through faith. for example I experience His extremely close to God. Now why is that, that you may ask? Well its simple, the bible say's that Jesus Christ is our mediator between God and man, He is my high priest. There is no way to access God's throne without going through his High Priest Jesus Christ His Son. There is no way to the father except through the Son. I through my faith am able to approach the throne of God because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of this relationship I than asked God for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost ( and sought if for over a year than when I got water baptized as an adult God baptized me by his Spirit and for three days I spoke in tongues in unknown language. Where I communicate with God and since than through faith I've always have had access to his presence at any moment a matter of faith the Bible says the kingdom of God lives within me. You see I can tabernacle with God at anytime. That is what God promised through the prophets of old what He would do through the first coming of Jesus Christ. When He said, " I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit within you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." In the new testament He fulfilled that promise. " behold old things have passed away all things have become new. " You can have this too, all you have to do is ask him to forgive you of your sins and invite him into your heart and than get yourself a bible and find a spirit filled Church so you can be trained and equipped in the ways of God. God is not a respecter of persons what he did for me He will also do for you.

  4. Hi! I love the intro clip where the camera panned to the stunning La Sagrada Familia Bascilica! Asking for permission to use it for a school presentation. Will be crediting this video at the end. Thank you!

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