1. Isnt Christianity supposed to be about piety and being humble? How do castles like this represent that? Lets be real, these are just large art installations and not really representative of Christianity.

  2. I am almost weeping. Antoni Gaudi was indeed God's Architect. And The Sagrada Familia Basilica is THE greatest structure ever designed and built.

  3. Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Família is clearly one of the six greatest & most beautiful Cathedrals or Basilicas of the world and likely one of the last to be built. In the Dark, Middle Ages, Renaissance and golden eras of 192o’s, these took 1oo-2oo years to ‘finish’.

    Gaudi’s magnum opus, Sagrada Família, was started during 1882 and will likely have taken nearly 15o years to ‘finish’ when it too is complete – expected Jun’26.

    Some dark-ages & renaissance builders said that a Cathedral is as God Himself – never finished, never satisfied. They often noted that replacements, renovations & repairs started before original structure was completed – and Gaudi’s Sagrada Família will be just the same. Classical in every respect of the art.

  4. why did they use a translator when that man was speaking english? thats disrespectful, they could have at least used subtitles over a translator.

  5. Hola, interesante. Ud. dice que los costes anuales son unos 25 milliones de euros. Bueno no es mucho. Haga un calculo si Ud. dice que cada año lo visitan unos 4 milliones de turistas x unos 25 euros la entrada o mas resultan unos 100 (CIEN) MILLONES DE EUROS POR AÑO.

    1. Ademas reciben donaciones por parte del estado español, del gobierno autonomico de Cataluña y tambien personas privadas. Y nos dice QUE NO TIENE DINERO PARA ACABARLO ))))))
    2. Ademas hasta unos años la empresa constructora no tenia licencia de obras, luego Colau ha multado la empresa construtora. Solo que muy tarde )))
    3. Ademas por ser una iglesia no paga ningun impuesto
    4. Ademas tiene otra fuente de ingresos por vender bolis, libros, etc.

    Cuanto dinero ganara por año la Fundacion Sagrada Familia y… dicen que no hay dinero para acabarla ))) Quiza le interesa alargar el tiempo de construccion para ganar mas y mas y mas y quiza un trocito de este pastel se va tambien para ¨charnegos¨ indepes.

    PD. Yo estuve alli unos dias y… si te vas antes de 9 por la mañana veras que se trabaja, si… solo unos muy pocos obreros… seguro seran mileuristas todos los empleados mientras la Fundacion recauda decenas de milliones de euros por año.

  6. When I stood outside this place and then went inside it, I was just stunned as to how the human mind can conceive something as extraordinary as this. If you go there, you can also see the school building he built for the children of the workers. Even that school house is quite a conception.

  7. I like how the story of his death really solidifies "thine is the ___ and the ___ and the glory "—St. Matthew Ch 7 , because he is certainly being gloried here and for good reason.

  8. The interesting thing is Gaudi was ambivalent towards religion when he was younger and took on the project of building the church, he may have even been agnostic, but as time went on and he dedicated more and more of his time and life to the construction of his masterpiece he became more and more devout, eventually he abandoned all pretense of an exterior life and dedicated himself completely to the church's construction, living in a workshop inside the building for the last 12 years of his life.

  9. The men/women who designed these beautiful structures were definatley Gods blessing to us. The thought time and detailed work in their thoughts are absolutely magically breathtaking and surreal. As if they lived in another world and time. I love this so much!

  10. The man say, I am very Old and she responds. You’re very old?!! and he’s like yes I’m 87 isn’t it old enough for you ? Do I have to prove it show ? you me birth certificate😂

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