Our visit today took to the village of Valldemossa, which is in the Tramuntana mountain range that runs along the west coast of Mallorca. The village was very quiet on this occasion due to the lack of tourists, who would normally be visiting at this time of the year. While many shops and cafes were open, the monastery, where Chopin stayed in 1838-39, was closed to the public. Walking through the empty streets, and surveying the magnificent views, made the trip well worthwhile.


  1. Valldemossa is a place I always said I would visit one day but never have upto now. It looks so picturesque, those old streets are like something you read about in story books. Thanks for sharing I look forward to your next video. Daryn

  2. Thanks, Steve! This is the kind of town we "Americans" envision when thinking of Europe. The old architecture, narrow streets, cafe's, and central church, etc. The fact that Chopin visited (even for a short while) makes this town even more attractive.

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