1. Bonito vídeo amigo!
    Espero que te haya gustado Donosti.
    Una observación: en el vídeo aparece la playa de La Zurriola. Pero en la imagen que anuncia el vídeo, la que se ve es la playa de La Concha.
    Un saludo.

  2. Ah, San Sebastián: they told me it was the fairest littoral city in all Spain. Well, for setting, agreed. That cute wee curve of bay with the mini-islands is, indeed, reminiscent of a small-scale version of Rio. But the city? The truth? For me, it has about 3 streets and Plaza Consti. to see, but the rest is nothing but a sprawling, apartment-blockey bathetic let-down. Lift San Sebastián up, plonk it 200 miles inland and it would be what it really is: a vaguely modern-looking nondescript town with a rather small, but not unattractive, Old Town, based on one mildly attractive plaza, and, frankly, little else. Unless you like the pintxos bars.

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