La Plaza de España es un conjunto arquitectónico enclavado en el parque de María Luisa de la ciudad de Sevilla, concluida en 1928, tiene grandes dimensiones (170 metros de diámetro) y forma semi-elíptica, que simboliza el abrazo de España a sus antiguos territorios americanos. Definitivamente un lugar de gran belleza.

The Plaza de España (“Spain Square”, in English) is a plaza in the Parque de María Luisa (Maria Luisa Park), in Seville, Spain. It was built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. Measuring 170 meters diamater and its semi-elliptical shape symbolizes a hug from Spain to its American territories. Very beautiful site.



  1. Liked #11, holy moly..this square, well more like circle is insane! The architecture is extremely marvelous! Live the artistic dance 💃…it is very GRANDE!!! Watched the full video in appreciation of this marvelous squate of Sevilla! Will put this on my bucket list 😊😀

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