La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia es un conjunto único dedicado a la divulgación científica y cultural. A lo largo de un eje de casi dos kilómetros, en el antiguo cauce del río Turia, este complejo impulsado por la Generalitat Valenciana sorprende por su arquitectura, obra de Santiago Calatrava y Félix Candela. Está integrado por seis grandes elementos: el Hemisfèric, el Umbracle, el Museo de las Ciencias Príncipe Felipe, el Oceanogràfic, el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía y el Ágora.

The City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia is a unique complex devoted to scientific and cultural dissemination.Along an axis of just under two kilometres that was formerly the bed of the River Turia, this complex promoted by the Generalitat Valenciana has striking architecture, designed by Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela. It is made up of six main elements: the Hemisfèric, the Umbracle, the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, the Oceanogràfic, the Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía and the Ágora.

Ver Vídeo Tomatina: Buñol 2013 (Spain):


  1. Dear Ryan, the videos are produced as you can see them at our Youtube Channel. Under demand of customers we can do them as they wish. But this video was produced in English and for the moment we have not a spanish version. The original Videos are done in HD. We used to release them in lower resulution for our IGEO.TV Channel, nowadays we use a watermark. Only our customers have the original HD version.

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