I’m glad we went to the Royal Palace but I don’t think it’s one of those places I’d go back to again. It was opulent and beautiful but it seemed a bit ‘staged’. It wasn’t like going to a palace that attempted to show you what life was back in the day which is what I prefer. But even though it wasn’t my fav and it rained on us, we still had a good day. I mean, c’mon, we are still in Spain, right? Happy Travels! Sandra:)

Epidemic Sound

Madrid’s Royal Palace


  1. No more tapas!! Haha. Have mercy. I’d have no shame eating somewhere familiar even in another country. Yes for Burger King. The whopper is my all time favorite!! It blows that you couldn’t take photos at the Royal Palace. The food at the end looked divine!! I’m always searching for delicious pizza.

  2. Tapas tapas tapas tapas… i do think that tourist have NO IDEA of what is a tapa?? Tapa is not for lunch, is just a little piece of meal to try meanwhile is the time to eat. So when you said, that you’re complaining about eat tapas over an over again , it make me laugh because , i’ve heard that expression in americans a couple of times. Its so sad to came to Spain (one of the richest cuisines worldwide) to eat pizza maccaroni and burger king!!
    Do you have try?
    -Callos a la madrilena?
    -Pulpo a la gallega? (Well that maybe,yes)
    -Cordero lechal al estilo castellano?
    -Cochinillo segoviano?
    -Judiones de la granja?
    Etc etc etc ….
    There are hundreds of different spanish dishes… even you can eat a different meal for all year round NOT repeating the same dish!!

    I love US an Americans , but sometimes , you make me angry!! Specially in food matters!! Hahaha best regards from Spain, i hope your double cheese whopper were good at least!! 🤨😆

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