Flashback Friday: Barcelona’s Enchanting Sagrada Familia Basilica

Hello hello I just want to do a little check if you can all hear me so show me with your thumbs up if you can hear me or not because I am talking to you you can see I am talking hopefully you can hear me uh I see your heart so hopefully

That means you can you can hear me ah this is also in the tour really cool so yeah I don’t have to do it on my own today so welcome in Barcelona I’m gonna give you already before we actually start the tour I’m gonna give you a

Little feeling of of where I am and then later on uh in in about eight minutes from now I’m gonna try to find my guide so welcome in Barcelona oh sorry just doing some little things to make sure that my that everything is well and you can see

It’s a beautiful day it’s a really beautiful day again I win the high a lot of other people that are already joining and yes Mo I started this tour 30 seconds ago and I’m standing here in front of this masterpiece already so yeah you have the good timing mode and all other people

And we’re gonna start to do officially in in 11 minutes and I’m not gonna do the tour myself because and it’s I think most of you know that I’m not a guide I’m not I am a guide but I’m in Barcelona so and I’m gonna tell a little

More about that uh later later on but I’m giving you already a little feeling of where we are and what we are gonna do today but it’s good that you at least you can hear me I had some is going down it’s the last hour it’s an hour before sunset at the moment

We can still see that they’re building this church it’s almost ready it’ll take some more years we welcome everyone in Barcelona standing in front of the Sagrada Familia and yes you can also see maybe some of you have done the tour with papoose and later on we will uh we’ll find papusic

Sitting somewhere at the other side of the entrance but yeah maybe some of you have done his tour about the star that is recently added to one of the towers that was that was finished if I’m right it’s a star with uh 12 tips in total

And of course Welcome All of You Anders the nice thing is that when I’m standing outside here that there are several models of the whole church of how it should be in the end this is just that this is just one of them but I’m gonna tell you a little more

About that later because uh that’s where we have our guide for today a moment and welcome everyone and yes it is spectacular for sure both inside and outside as well just walking to the middle part just showing some details just to give you and yes bro I heard something about the

Projected date when it’s finished but also that is maybe delayed by kofit and that is because at this moment everything that is built is financed by the tickets to get to get inside and maybe some of you have been here and the tickets are not very cheap so but they’re using it to

Build the whole uh the whole sagada Familia foreign that’s really bad if you haven’t seen it inside do the later call inside over there and it is it is by the way um at this moment someone was asking about the time it’s almost 5 P.M 5 p.m so there’s an hour before uh

Before Sunset and um it is I think about I didn’t check the the weather report but I based on the last days and what I’m feeling here I think it’s about 12 degrees Celsius so there’s a little over 50 Fahrenheit [Laughter] is also a beautiful Stadium of course

But yeah this is so this is something else a little different so and for the people who are just joining I’m standing here in front of the uh in front of the Sacramento Familia and I am today here again the forest because I know I know a little about it

But I have I’m doing this tour together with my amazing colleague really amazing colleague papous and he is I’m seeing him standing uh about 50 60 meters away from me and he will he knows a lot more so I’m gonna ask all the questions I have

Um and this is also the way how we can do this tour so I’m gonna film him as the tourist because I am a tourist over here when we when we go inside and sorry that you have to refresh and yes Arty we will go inside for sure

So this is just a pre-tour we’ll start in five minutes from now to be to be clear and just to give you a little idea of the front part and for the people who wanna take already some atom shots let me try that to do a shot from the hall front part And this is the old facade but we will I will soon tell you a lot more about it or I’m gonna ask if I push a lot about this but look how beautiful the frontage is here already yeah okay come on go back oh sorry my gimbal is doing a little strange now

Come on not getting back anymore so I think the rest of the no no okay let’s uh I’m gonna find our guide for today and he showed me of course already a little because peppis is one of the official guides from Barcelona so he is also allowed to take people inside

And I will show you the nativity scene don’t worry we will go back we will go back I’m gonna find purpose and I’m also really looking forward to show you all of this and not only the outside but also the inside look how beautiful it is

Yeah and this is just one of the parts of the hotel let me see oh yeah I recognize him too but it’s always uh where’s a red face mask so that’s it that’s easy to recognize him let me show you over here hello I found him and how are

You I’m gonna I’m gonna do a lot more uh filming of Papua oh are you can you still hear us because I see that you’re earphones were connecting to my phones yeah then let let me remove them let me remove them yes I hope you can still hear me can you

Also hear Captain somebody’s talking hello hello I’m talking now can you hear me so uh uh and uh maybe because he’s uh he’s normally doing these tours on on his own and he’s doing several tours when he did several tours about correct about the outside of the

Sagada Familia of course we’re still on the outside and my name is by the way Stefan sorry and I’m normally I didn’t even tell you that I’m normally um doing uh doing tours in Amsterdam so uh that’s a little far away from over here but to celebrate the the Dutch Spanish connection

We are in a better times than in our history because the Dutch in the Spanish we had we had a lot of Wars we have we have we have had here so but not not anymore so and maybe some of you have done already a tour with us before this this one will

Be a little different yeah because uh uh campus is gonna yeah this is his face by the way so he’s here including here it’s okay to remove the mask if we are not moving but okay you know okay so you never know so they will know our faces yeah that’s true that’s

Because we might have people that are new on hey go that’s true that’s true yeah that’s also I’m still gonna in a funny way yeah exactly exactly so okay if it’s your second day of course very welcome everyone who has not done a tour with me or with papers before it is

Today on my account so uh if you like that you can sort of I think over here you can follow me then you get uh to see more of the tours that I’m joining mainly in the Netherlands so much today for the last time in Barcelona and next

To me this is Papoose hola hello hola and he is a certified guide here in Barcelona and you can also follow him and for that you have to go to heygo.com thank you Olga for sharing that thank you that’s really that’s really cool so okay and I’m gonna

Show you now what we are gonna see and that is this famous Basilica this famous Pacifica Sagrada Familia am I saying that all the right way your thing is fully right okay and you know that’s a good way to start because usually there are a lot of questions

What does it mean Sagrada Familia means the holy family so is this is the Church of the Holy Family second question what family is that well the family formed by Baby Jesus mother Mary and Father Joseph and this is the holy family as we have discussed before this is a

Church which is being built only with donations of private individuals that’s why the ticket that it’s expensive you could just say that that little Stone there you paid for okay we’re gonna search today for the stone that I paid today right because of

Uh you know 95 not to say even 98 of the money that’s used for the construction it comes from the entrance fees just think that this is the most visited site of the whole of Spain or Kobe four and a half billion people were visiting the inside and we calculated more than 20

Million people were on the outside because the outside as we could see it’s very Monumental wow wow wow yeah okay wow that’s that’s so that that’s that’s an amazing number by the way four and a half million I mean from the money that they would collect they were dedicating

Something like 55 million euros per year for the consumption of reconstruction that’s why the construction will stop now really almost all the way because we don’t have visitors I mean yeah I’ve been blessed today by the weather and by the fact that there’s no one here because it’s so very crowded it’s always

Normally normally normally it is full of people over here now of course there are some people but not but but not a lot so we are really lucky also the inside we will see that later it is uh it’s not very busy thank you Evelyn and thank you already some people that were

Sending sending a tip highly appreciate it so okay so yeah the interior is or the exterior is already very impressive and uh pepper still tell us something about what what what do we see well we’re going to be seeing and explain details this is the Nativity facade so in this facade we

Have what what I like to call a Bible on Stone with regards to the birth and childhood of Jesus but as you have also said this is a church which is unfinished and you know if you move the camera left you could see a clear section which is just because the stone

Is north in fact the church will have to grow farther that way okay in order to have a front it does not have a front yet okay so the front is that’s the last thing they built the front right okay it’s interesting to collect money to be

Able to build the front Okay but that’s not the whole problem the whole problem is that right there a point where we have a building with five railings well that building and all the ones of the blog should never have been built but they were built now we’re built you

Have to find money to compensate these people to live you know fair market Price you know the city doesn’t want to pay the Church Catholic Church doesn’t want to pay either so okay so there will be a lot of court cases here in the coming

Years so if they wanna if they wanna uh if you want to go if you want to follow that on television yeah okay that’s that’s that’s good to know so it will get bigger do you have uh I see over here a model and I was earlier

I thought that maybe there are a million people but no we’re almost let me explain it also look we are at the very same site that we are looking the real Church from yeah okay this is The Four Towers of the Nativity facade yeah we have four Towers on the opposite side

Yeah we will have four Towers in the front okay I’m just going we will just we don’t have them yet so so that’s the other is that also the the yeah what is this color this little pink yeah I mean the colors are for a reason and the

Reason is that what you see gray is what has been built already and then what it is orange or pink it needs to be built still okay so it’s still a long yeah I can see that there’s a whole uh and yes Linda we will go inside don’t worry

That’s the whole that’s the whole thing that we’re gonna do I’m just gonna we promise yeah that’s uh that’s why I take uh and yes who’s the architect of this uh there’s a question that’s a question that I’m that I’m getting I’m sorry what what is the architect of this uh of this

Church a gentleman which is the most outstanding architect that we ever had whose name is Antonio Gaudi Gaudi in Catalan Anthony in English Antonio in Spanish Antonio agodi so and he is the most famous I think architect yeah Spain okay he worked you know mainly in Barcelona but you know what

Other architects of Spain are as famous as Gaudi not really anyone yeah but not as much not as much and it’s not as much it’s a different style of course yeah so everybody is also quite famous but another one Ricardo Buffy died today 82 that was the most International

Spanish architect that was working all over the world he’s the one that has done the new Earth among other things oh okay okay so Luke sorry to interrupt before we leave the model note that there is a taller Tower than the others this is the tower dedicated to Jesus

Christ it’s going to be 173 meters high whoa 580 feet approximately 580 feet wow that’s exactly that’s the highest the church tower in the world I think exactly right and then around the central tower we have four other Towers these are the four evangelists and this is Mark

Matthew Luke and John yeah these are the gentlemen that wrote the New Testament yeah and then to the right all the way you have the Tower with the star yeah they have not had the time yet to paint it gray because it’s already built and will be showing that okay to Our Guest

Also did you have your your gray paint because then we can paint it yeah so and in what year did Gaudi start with the with this building well though this starts with this side you know you you usually start a construction from every side at the very

Same time yeah but for a reason that I would rather explain it later yeah we started this side first only so you go through the door and you’ll not have anything inside no roof it will be raining okay these were started by a different architect in 1882 but Gaudi

Took over one year later in 1853 he changed the plants completely and he enforced his own project okay okay that’s good and he did work until 1926. that’s correct that’s yeah so that’s the only year I know well another way of saying the very same thing is

That the man worked here for 43 years of his life for 43 years so this was his Masterpiece well uh yes but he was a very hard working architect he made more than a hundred buildings projects yeah yeah I was saying another way of saying

It is that you know he did not work for more than 43 years because he died he died but he knew and he said that this was going to take a few generations to be built okay so he’ll have the plans so we follow the plans okay so there are all the plans

From every detail that we see there’s a plan uh most of them they are I mean okay we could say that statically this will look exactly like okay okay wow wow wow let’s look up all the way because this is something that we will not see so

Clearly once we go further in that tree that tree it’s a symbol it’s a cypress tree cemeteries it’s a symbol of eternal life eternity the dogs that you see flying they represent the soul of the people that having died they are expected to receive the death of eternal life and

Then if you go down from there you get to a grotto that’s from this viewport you could see very well its contents yeah crowning of Virgin Mary I see a Queen of Heaven I don’t know if you I’m thought we were talking now about this piece over over there but there are

There’s also a brother over there yeah these are the ones it has the marriage of uh Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph but you know maybe you could go farther down there is a good example of how the stone is when it is new because you see

Here a Roman soldier that has a new leg because it lost the leg oh I see it had to be replaced so that’s the color of the stone when it is new and the color that this side will have once they clean it and they will clean it to the Grand

Opening which we do not know when that will be okay someone was saying 20 26 but most probably it will be 20 30 or maybe even later we do not know I mean 2026 it was a good guess a few years ago because the works were running through

Speed and that would have been the Centennial of the death of Gaudi that’s why they thought that it could have been a day but obviously it would not be you know the the Roman soldier whenever you have sorry possibility to show that to our guests is a very dramatic story

So you probably know that there was this mean King called Herod that wanted to get rid of the king of the Jews and he did not know who he was and he decreeded babies less than two years old are going to be annihilated so that Soldier is

Killing babies he’s killing babies I see the baby is in his head and he has a sport and someone else oh and there are dead babies on the floor yeah I didn’t see that but the mother you know imploring for Mercy yeah but then Bible also says that they escape these uh

Massacre by fleeing to Egypt so on the levy of the life to Egypt the Egypt and I see again another little baby in the hands of mom again baby Jesus so there you have the whole family yeah plus the angel which is leading the mule the donkey yeah yeah that’s true that’s true

Wow and all these details it’s unbelievable it’s really unbelievable and then the middle the middle part we have over here middle part has the main subset so this is the manger this is the nativity scene this is beautiful so this is what we celebrate Christmas of Jesus so here in the middle

And here in the middle well you have a star which is vertical that points to the Annunciation and so farther up in the middle yeah the angel is telling Virgin Mary who’s kneeling that she’s going to be the mother of Jesus okay around the thing last window you have

Other angels that are you know playing instruments and singing they’re celebrating the birth of Jesus yeah so I’m just trying to do it in a so-called atom shot so you can all see it sorry for your neck but this is the only way to get a little more on the screen

But it’s it’s beautiful so okay the nativity scene and I also see here at the left at the left side we see the three wise men or the three king that’s exactly with their with their presence what you’ve shown on one of your tours except them coming on the on the night

Of the 5th of January this is the most uh expected night for kids here you know yeah because they have a claim that that’s a tour of the things the the toys to the kids and then at the right side we see oh there’s also let me yeah this is a

Lot of details every details and they still explained that you know gauri was very uh clever and he was working with what we could call marketing techniques and then when that was growing in the middle of nowhere because there was nothing around here in 1883 when he took

Over the project that had been started by the first architect and change it then he thinks well if I fill this side first yeah and I show the people that come something that they understand they’ll be willing to give money for money okay do you have do you

Have a picture of how it was when he when he did in the first years I mean from the area over here a second this is very moving I think so this is Gaudi had been already working here for more than 10 years when that picture was taken okay wow so can

You imagine there’s nothing in the middle of nowhere wow wow wow wow that’s amazing really amazing nothing yeah I think okay but the details are so amazing I mean I can uh we we I haven’t even been going inside but uh and yes I will show the doors too don’t worry

Okay we will not forget that show them like a mom would do it to a kid look at the doggy after the first Shepherd look at the shepherd has a lamb on his shoulders lamb on his shoulders that’s true but the fourth that has a basket

Look under the basket there is a parrot he was um yeah but that’s why I started with it first of it is something that people do not understand and in the middle of nowhere who is going to contribute with money for that yeah yeah yeah okay and then we have I

See leaves over here it’s a Sandstone someone is asking yes it is okay the doors are bronze okay I see bronze leaves over here right and then let me this is the work of a Japanese which is called yeah based upon preliminary designs done by Gaudi but if we look accurately look

You could see insects all over the place wait oh yeah there’s a hiding behind the leaves this is still over here all kind of little details look at the peephole and so oh yeah look through once the gate is closed at night it’s a little old for child or maybe 100

Years ago they were the people were a little smaller yeah you could see me hello hello your turn hello come inside come inside we’re going inside let’s show them the praying mantis on this opposite side so wait we ‘ve heard I can only I can only spend 10 minutes

Or 15 minutes only on this door so with this is wonderful and then oh yeah I that’s the name of this like the praying mantis mantis yeah correct yeah thank you thank you and then the spider over here yeah there’s it’s his full details I see beetles that all these

Were colorful but people touched them and so the the color is the way except that one I know which is the only beat originally they are other colors it has not been touched because it’s too far down yeah and now it keeps the color I’m sitting on the ground now otherwise I

Cannot uh and let me also I’m gonna try to do another atom shots so this is the whole door and it doesn’t even fit it’s too big how high are these door so it’s like five meters something like that yeah but it’s amazing all the details with everything okay I’m gonna

Should we go inside yeah that’s the big moment we’ve been waiting for that for months just for months exactly I’m so excited to go to go inside I’m just going to show you the floor because I want to walk a little further we will not be speaking

Because he already has somebody oh yes we can already see some colors on the ground just to teach you a little we are inside now we are inside the peppers now is the best location so okay are you ready are you ready I love people there we go Look how amazing this and the thing is I was just here an hour ago it never stops everywhere colors all around you so I don’t even know what to do with my screen anymore it’s so beautiful I mean Stefan when I do in-person tours and I do what you have just done very

Well done I mean to tell the people to keep their eyes down and then have the big surprise yeah I have to give them time to recover yeah it is such an amazing feeling that you’re overwhelmed and this is what I think that would happen in the Middle Ages that when the

Poor peasant people did not have more color in the life rather than nature and then when they would enter a cathedral they would have that impression that that was God home because of all those colors are these grandness I mean I’m not living in the Middle Ages but I’m also impressed

It’s really it’s really mind-blowing speechless I mean as even as a guide I I have to find I have to think like what what do we see what it is well you’re aiming the camera now right above the altar yeah this is the face of the Tower

Of Virgin Mary the one that has the crown on top if you go a little bit further in you could show the our guests like the whole there yeah which is the core of the Tower of Virgin Mary oh that’s over there I cannot come more

Than than this but we can see it a little no Tina it’s not free to go inside nope we are financing with my with my ticket we are financing uh a little piece of the building right we’ll look for a nice stone for you yeah that’s okay you know

I’ll come and put a label on it hey but yeah it’s worth every Euro to enter for sure every dollar whatever your currency is right so okay one of the first impressions that the people get is that this is like a forest because you could see that all the columns are like trees

In nature and let me also tell you that this has a full uh plan which is Latin cross and so long arm and short arm became either through one of the ends of the short arms yeah so we’re here in the intersection we are here at what we

Would call the transept yeah yeah okay and I think the stone that is used over here as I also see that uh question and yes there is also an elevator that’s only for very important people not for us uh but what are this what are the stones

That are used because I mean Sandstone is not that strong to hold look so Gaudi thought of 14 different kinds of stone 14 14. this has to do with decoration purposes and also with what weight every section we have to withstand so here we could see a field this is right the base

Of the tallest tower to be so we need to have very robust Stones these are these reddish columns here yeah well made of for free for free it’s a stronger Stone on Earth this comes from China or Iran salt that’s the black the black one we could see further in Granite and then

Stones but like the 14 kinds of stone that he had decided are to be seen in different sections yeah and you know from here we could also see the Holy Family oh wait wait I have to go oh wait I sometimes don’t even know the carpenter Joseph like my name yeah it’s

A big name yeah it’s a very important name yeah and very common that’s also true so let me I’ll show it to you like this and you see also a little of the feeling so this is just one of the four sides of course of the right

That’s on one side I’m going back hopefully you’re taking you go opposite you’ll see the mother Virgin Mary okay we’re going to the opposite it is enormous to church so I’m just gonna do another atom shot to give you this feeling like look how beautiful we still see

That there’s a little Sun from that side so that’s why the uh the stained glass is a little is a little lighter right and uh the doors and we could also show them the sun Jesus above the altar Jesus on the cross Jesus on the cross he’s hanging a little different you are

Fully right this is very well observed I mean Gaudi was always working with live models okay and if you tied someone to a cross yeah he did this really in reality he just played right with with bubbles you tie a model to about someone a

Worker to the okay to a cross would not nail him on the cross no okay no okay but when your legs would tire then they will bend so and he is always depicting reality yeah in the most okay okay I never I never I’ve never been hanging on

A cross so but let’s also give you a little feeling thank you Kristen and Fiona also a lot of other people that were leaving tips already now we could see the the whole the core of the Tower of Virgin Mary it’s it’s in the center of the camera right yeah

Wow it also feels for me a little like then that I’m in Lord of the Rings or something it’s like in the in the elf boots or I mean let me tell you I’m not very many months ago well now is very many months ago because we are not

Doing in-person tours but I came in with the British family and there was like an eight to a 10 year old girl yeah and once we came in and she raised her eyes and saw that she says wow this is like Harry Potter’s forest and I use that

Sometimes I tell my guys look let me show you the Harry Potter’s first okay I’m more shorting where is uh where’s Frodo right or Bilbo or okay the number of postcards is not limited as far as on Hegel also not for us inside okay so at both sides we have stained glass

Windows in different colors I now see I wasn’t yeah I mean does not do anything just out of happy chance so there is a reflection behind everything that he does yeah so he thought of this thing last windows and he thought of leaving guidelines and

Codes of color so the ones that you are showing now our guests is the sign the the the the the sun raising site so these are cold colors yeah on the opposite side this is the sun setting side and we have warm colors we have yellows and we have Reds wow so

There is a reason always behind us exactly wow I see people already have over 100 postcards I can’t imagine that and I mean I really have problems with showing you everything because it’s too much I want a 360 year cam or something like that but also the the light spectrum is so beautiful

We were discussing about that what time would be the best that’s true this is really the best thing is it is it later open in summer time or is it always no it gets open later also you know okay openness as for as long as they can they

Need the money okay so they make it easy for the people to be able to come and pay yeah you know a big entrance fee and I will uh Kathleen I will come back to that question because there are so many questions so let me uh what where are we

Going to right now oh there is a a picture there that we it’s a computer generated one of course but you could see in a very we could say decent way the whole church finished like how it will be one day exactly how it will be

Once it will be completed which is that we what we do not know at all okay okay so before they take the picture let me show them and so you just met uh Stefan there yeah then he moved his way and you’ve met me here exactly and then

We have just gone in through the door and we are right inside but this is the Nativity facade yeah this is the Sacristy that does not exist yet this is a tower that you will see life that’s with this new star right and then the

Tower of Jesus and all the other ones so 18 Towers in total yeah yeah yeah yeah 18 12 Apostles four evangelists Virgin Mary Jesus Christ wow this will be it so hopefully somewhere between 20 and 26. remember when we did the park well tour that we have to repeat one day yeah

Remember that we have explained that five arm five arm cross so the 3D cross so when when an Angel is coming over here it doesn’t matter from what a side Viewpoint exact Viewpoint it’s always across that’s correct yeah memory listener yeah I’m a good listener yeah that’s why I became right

And you have here also the models of the symbols of the Apostles that are going to be dipping the towers sorry not the Apostles of the evangelists we could see Luke there is on the whole top of the spiers that are not there yet not there yet

Okay so this is just plaster but it’s going to be marble yeah is an eagle John the eagle John farther we have you have Matthew Max and Angel and we have Mark the lion Mark which is the lion wow wow I just want to go

We got a group over here so let’s uh maybe first go to the doors because we’re now standing I think on the here should be the entrance isn’t it if I’m if I’m right that’s correct look maybe we could just pan up this is the inside of the front

And we would go through a gate there is nothing but a straight on the other side and then the building has to be removed yeah but this site is already finished so it doesn’t rain inside anymore okay but this is the gate that was done by a

Gentleman that will show them their name in written because it’s difficult it’s called and here you have the prayer Our father has the most uh famous One or the most played one Christians yeah but then in 50 different languages 5-0 you have oh wow I know the Our Father uh

You could see the Japanese and you could see the Hebrew yeah exactly so I’m now trying to find Dutch I don’t see if I see English French I’ve seen it’s in Italian yeah it will be a c something like Danish I think but well I promise you the wreath there is

If not I’ll have a word with them that’s how we say it so do you see that there is like a golden two letters there so this is part of a word says so that will fall in the Temptation that we fall in Catalan it’s

Written in a way that the a is the initial of Antonio and the g is Gaudi and these are the knobs okay okay but this will come here this will we have to wait some years to see right and be able to open that gate yeah exactly okay and then

Just give me a moment again to show this because it’s it’s again this beautiful Forest where we are standing in it’s mind-blowing it’s mind-blowing yes I’m taking my time purple so I know okay no I’m just you know you you know as well as I do as a guide but since we

Love what we do the main problem that we have is that we are always short of time you’re never worried about having too much time that’s true it’s just the opposite so I’m happy to see that we have officially started the tour only half an hour ago so we could show them a

Lot more stuff okay and I mean they did this for us look at this here we have Pebbles this is easier with her wonderful to see without breaking your neck [Laughter] exactly so they did us very smart and yeah someone someone was asking the elevators and the

Staircases I mean let’s let’s go a little bit this is to go to the upper levels of the children so one day you can maybe go into the tower in all the towers exactly wow exactly and then we have a sort of uh if I’m looking at these trees then somewhere oh

Wow and now music perfect imperfect coordination we see the organs at the back that’s what they’re playing They sometimes happens I just don’t want to talk too much with the music Sorry Someone is asking what are the what are the emblems that we see on the on the ceiling there are well they are different representations of Jesus yeah like the Christmas we would call it in Greek yeah or the mystical times you know symbols okay okay now what what

Also the let’s say the trees or the pillars of the church halfway is separate into there are certain lights over there I think these are lights wow it’s so beautiful to hear the music now yep yep I have paper hey mowers no we have not but we are very happy that

I’m getting Goosebumps or things yeah yeah slowly go there I know that there’s a lot more to do that yeah I want to go a little more nearby the organ of course yeah I mean that Sensation that uses is fried you know Goose pimples very often we shed tears here with the

Gas when we have a new person because it’s so impressive and there is a moving picture over there that will show them at some point remember yeah foreign Because this is showing us the position that in reality those towers are going to be placed yeah that are not there yet wow wow okay the music stopped I’m sorry that I was sometimes even talking uh but yeah he was a genius and peppers wants to show you something else about how genius Already here yeah okay look that’s where we came in it would be nice for people to know so we are in the opposite side of the transit yeah and this search when it will be finished it will have a capacity of 4 000 people four thousand so that’s a

Little bit more than one thousand are going to be sitting up there oh yeah yeah wait we see this Tribune there yeah on the sides on the side it is something that you know it’s like a stand something that you do not necessarily see when you come in and I tell you why

It’s like a stadium almost right I mean someone was saying at the start that she was going to come now instead of the Sagara Familia but this is also uh it’s the idiom look what I want to explain is that you do not really see that necessarily when

You come in because that stand like my phone yeah and if if it would be flat like that you’d be seeing it heavy yeah e calculates the angle of vision you understand what I mean the angle of vision yeah you could see you could see it’s it’s well it’s lean it’s it’s it’s

Very slim heavy yeah yeah that’s true you’re right you’re right and then okay let’s go for that picture maybe go for a picture very moving you know while we walk there let me tell you that as I was saying before knew very well that this was gonna take a few

Generations that we built yeah but you will see the state of the construction after Dowdy had dedicated 43 years of his life to this place how it looked okay it was just the Nativity facade okay so The Four Towers of that site and there was nothing else only one was

Completed so this is the black and white picture ah the one over here this is 1926. this is when they’ll be the ice yeah by the way you know that he died being struck by uh by streetcar from yeah trolley when he was going to mass to the City

Center from here which is where he lived yeah how how moving is this this is this is what was there I see some more abilities yeah yeah it’s only this yeah great marketing still yeah I think and yes I’m also gonna give a close-up of the windows

We’re still here on the warm side right look at this so and someone was saying it’s a lot of work with the computer but of course Galaxy didn’t have a computer at first now so we work with computers how did how did how did he know that this would work

A good question come come with me come wait I’m just tell me that we have seen the houses of Gaudi by the way let me do a little promotion let’s do it tomorrow and people thought that he was um an extravagant architect because he made these very Whimsical houses for the

Wealthy people yeah what they wanted the most was to stand out but when he died then Architects started to study his projects and they were wondering when they were studying these projects that was not built how in the world he has worked made those calculations imagine the tower 580 feet

Tall they had done decal questions again and they were okay so how he did manage then further studies showed that he had used tricks Leonardo da Vinci with a few streaks 400 views before Gaudi and I I always have a little chain a little change here that

It’s very uh handy to explain one of such tricks imagine he wants to build an arch to make a model to scale hangs a chain from both ends let Mother Nature decide that chain takes because of gravity once you have that if you flip it over you

Get what you get a parabola right and it’s really a form of nature in the end and then here Comfort will make our haygoers experts on Gaudi in the next 10 seconds he calculates this project upside down look yeah if I show this you might see

The shape of the towers that we have been showing there yeah on the and then imagine that my hands are a floor yeah and you got all these chains hanging from that floor telling him what would be the core of the best possible structure it’s the minimum amount of

Material it’s also a little like the the other building that we you have in Barcelona that looks like this and also by the way there’s one in London like this skyscraper that have the same parabolic yeah and you know I’ve been a teacher so I I always have to make sure that our

Viewers understand look this is what we are saying yeah that is what we’re seeing Forest of college but I have attached a chain to the bottom and look what happens when I rotate it you could see that the chain with the help of gravity is telling us the shape of the arches

Wow how cool is that wow I love this to see so I’m just gonna focus a little more yeah you see it’s exactly the shape it’s exactly the so again when you see the real thing yeah uh you don’t see columns anymore you see parabolas they

Go up one side they come down the opposite side and that’s why the structure is to keep the structure because look at me again I’m sorry my weight goes down my legs so the weight of this search it’s mainly going down the parabola legs yeah so that means that unlike other churches

Built previously the side walls are not that structural so they could be very perforated so that’s why we have so very many stained glass windows yeah yeah yeah yeah and people are saying like the hurricane or the the gurkey in London that’s like the parabolic right or like St Louis

Arch we have for sure very many American viewers okay in St Louis that’s true yeah great well I really hope that these visual aid was helpful and now you understand and you could just post about why Gaudi was such a genius now we all know now thank you thank you

This was really helpful to understand a little more of Life of how brilliant he was and the gerking as ugly as someone’s saying yeah that’s true this is maybe a little but yeah it’s another time of course okay yeah the gherkin is what we call a revolving parabola

So it goes yes if you just turn it around that’s true that’s why I also want to show you this the little less higher ceiling and from here it’s it really feels like uh like trees again yep like different parts just just like a tree so of course that’s the effect

That he was seeking because look in the future you’ll see light coming through the branches of those trees yeah now you don’t see the effect because they’re working on top the holes that this church is very light I mean of light very lit up a lot of

Light coming in it will be like foliage foliage all the way up wow I have a little surprise for our guests okay which is by the altar okay we have to go back sorry the music all uh but it gave you the real feelings look the first occupant whose name was Francisco

1882 the church from the back and so which is the usual way and he built until the top of the staying of the stained glass windows that you see again okay then the rest farther up was gone by now D oh God but he was conditioned to this position because this very first

Architect had done almost completed that what we call the Crypt the underground Church of which you could sit right there okay okay maybe the next uh the next one so we have a better view right and so here the Crypt it’s where we have the mass service I mean I happen to be

From this neighborhood yeah you’re alone very religious when I was just a little boy yeah and we came to Masters Familia nothing of what we have what we have seen was built only the Nativity facade yeah and then we went to mass right there and this is that’s where we have

The mass nowadays so a lot of people come here to mass and they are very frustrated because they think that they’re going to be seeing what we’re showing our viewers but they are not it’s only different entrance different security different Channel yeah but it’s also also a different completely different style exactly I

Mean I mean because if the market that would have done the church we would not be it was appeared today no no it would be very special it would be a more traditional right a neographic church yeah exactly yeah that’s what uh okay you wanna see something really

Really is those little two lights in the middle of the camera over down there over there you see it at the end yeah well that’s the tomb of Gaudi is buried here oh you see the little there are two little candles in front he’s buried right there too bad

Yeah but also a beautiful way that he is buried into um the accident he was taken to the cathedral but then they decided that they were going to bring him here yeah right in his in his series uh favorite project yeah because he wanted to be so close to this project

But the last years of his life he left the house that we have shown in the park well tour yeah yeah because he wanted to be close and he lived in his Workshop right here yeah yeah okay let’s uh let’s go to the other entrance what’s now the exit

Before it’s uh before it’s getting dark yeah we have plenty of time still yeah for 45 minutes so we need 10 more maybe yeah this is by the way again you see it’s the ceiling of the part where they can have some more people watching them how many uh Masters

Were have been here inside only a few only if you know the the ones that they cannot avoid let’s say Palm Sunday yeah Corpus Christi Christmas Eve but then when that’s the case you have to sign for that on the internet because or else you know everyone would want to

Come and then you said like 4 000 people downstairs and then one and a half all together all together all together four that’s true that’s true well now we are walking out through the opposite side so and we go on the left and this way we

Can show just I wanna call the name of the show you the last shot and thank you for the compliments and also for all the tip boxes that I see in this green peppers cannot see yet but it’s also great yeah but I see the color

And I thank you very much of course and you need to know that we are sharing that as well yeah exactly exactly because this is oh this is also for me very unique to to do this of course so look some we need to know something about

This site that we’re going to be showing okay now he knows that he is not going to do that because the life is short yeah but he says look I want on this side to explain the passion and the crucifixion of Jesus yeah but I like that you get someone if possible to

Cause a heart angular and uh style that would be uh something that the people will not necessarily need to like it when they say it yeah if I could create he said a feeling of uneasiness that is perfect because this movie of the sort of Sorrow

In comparison to the facade of joy that we have seen at the other side foreign okay I’m in the meantime I’m looking at this amazing door which I see I see Jesus several times Yep this is in Catalan okay and there are explanation for that wait wait let me

Let me get to the other side oh wow look at also all the all the details Stormtroopers over here right here so not only Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter also but I was also seeing over here in the cube look at this yeah let them take a

Postcard of that one yeah I will explain it you know that’s a creation of that sculptor by the name subidax show them the name okay that he was working here for 30 years okay and this this is boots or not where this is made of or not this is bronze

Oh yeah I can hear it you know you could kill them from this side I mean they’re hollow inside but this is just a massive metal like wow wow and there’s also it’s not it’s not only this but also here above there’s even more so we’re now getting outside at the

Other side and you were saying name of the sculptor of the sculptor of Maria subirucks the one that you’re going to be seeing the side of right now which is really amazing very impressive very moving okay the man was working here for 30 years carving with his own hands the statues

That we’re going to be seeing the whole story of The Bachelorette okay where where can I spend the best you you’ve been here more often than I am right here and look we’ll go neurologically okay over there we have the Last Supper Jesus is sitting at the table with his

Apostles okay wait time I’m gonna point it over there we see Jesus sitting with the apostles so we can also come there more nearby later on and here we have Judas betrayal keys To Jesus the Betrayal over there in the corner then in the very middle a column Jesus Christ is bound to the column that’s the beginning of his pledge allegations yes exactly send to the left to the right of that a Saturday figure Peter’s denial Peter has said I do not

Know the man I do not want to get in trouble that’s why he’s sad then farther right ground level still Jesus being brought in front of the Roman Governor conscious pilate sitting down in doubt not knowing what to do until they decide in his hands it’s a little like oh damn

And look we go up one level to continue with the chronology that’s the beginning of the trust where he has fallen and someone is helping him to leave the cross maybe here wait wait wait you’re going too fast you’re going too fast but what do we have oh yeah I see Jesus

With the cross and then in the middle a lady that has a shroud with the face of Jesus scarf to the inside I can see the left of the lady immediately left with the Storm Troopers of the Star Wars movies soldiers but then for the left we could guess who

That gentleman is that is Antonio Gaudi the sculptor Mr sugar I just wanted to honor the maiso and he plays a statue of him on the Busan wow look for the left for the left we have abandoned horseback look that he carries a spear in his hand in his hands and you

Could see that this is thrashed into the stone because that’s the soldiers that have injured Jesus Christ on the side wow farther up and you could see other soldiers uh uh you know playing dice for the clothes of Jesus and then a very amazing crucifix Theory control first why why was this

Why is this controversial because it’s a naked crucifix I mean how many times have we seen the crucifix that’s totally naked you’re right that is just something that people some people they were throwing eggs and tomatoes to protest yeah but now they have decided

To give an option to Art why not but you could see that there is a skull at the footstep of the Cross well if I was just explaining this in Hebrew I do not speak Hebrew I would say that there is just not the name or it’s not the way

That you would say it’s called in Hebrew but it’s the name of the place where Jesus Christ was crucified so that’s the category to the place of the crucifixion okay and then look to the right to the right that’s the Descent of the cross oh I can see I can see

On the top so it’s really you can see the whole story if you know right the right way I’ll show you some things from my album you know this is The Descent of the cross that we are looking at this is it yeah this is the sculptor you could

See the name again and so he died in 2014. oh recently then the gentleman holding up Jesus Christ uh uncles has the very same face as the sculptor we just wanted to immortalize himself he’s facing the figure and look there the style here is completely different yeah completely it’s more like a cubic

Cubism style or something something like that very good of defining it very Cubist yeah exactly so but that’s that’s galdi didn’t have ideas about he just said like they’re at least he wanted to give you know future Generations anytime to do the contribution he just did guidelines that I would like those

Groups to explain the passion of the crucifixion yeah but let’s find it possible someone that has a hard angular edgy style yeah because this way it goes perfectly well for a facade of sorrow and this is very moving I mean you know I wanna yeah we still have five minutes

Vocabulary group has its symbol look there at the Last Supper you see the dog that’s the symbol of loyalty yeah and then every group has also the reference to the New Testament what do you see now in the middle of the picture is yeah if you want to know more about

The Betrayal you read Mark 14 45 14 45 but here we have the the square that I’ve said to you let the people take a postcard you see those numbers yeah you could add those numbers rows or columns you always get 33. 33 is the age of Jesus Christ when he died on

The cross so it’s a sort of a local only difference yeah right yeah and look at the footsteps the snake which is the symbol of the Betrayal wow wow it’s it’s I mean we could spend eight hours I know I don’t know but I just got my Goosebumps away [Laughter] yeah no

Hago is gonna kick us out yeah no overlapping maybe with other tours that’s true and my battery is maybe empty so but also okay so look it’s over there I’m walking downwards yeah okay thank you but Okay so I’m just gonna show you yeah you could see those columns that are different because

They are made out of granite yeah and I see also the top is very colorful and the rest is uh it’s called architecture with glaze Mosaic and we have seen that in Casa but you know we have seen that in part well yeah yeah so some other time about the symbology

Of that yeah there’s so much I mean we can do it two or four hours I think only about this I mean you can do that I cannot do that once you come back once you come back on it in March in March we have to do another tour

That the present today hey goers could recommend others to see yeah and we could explain other things from here yeah some some wait what one One Moment One Moment a lot of people are saying like we want to do more of your more of your tours if of course

It’s now on my This Is Us by the way so this is how we’re looking without our Facebook here because we give the impression that we are aware that we are aware that exactly so no but if you want to do more tours with me mainly in Amsterdam in the

Netherlands and also in Belgium then you can I think somewhere over here so follow button but also thank you Lucy for sharing but Papoose also is of course a hago guide and I had an amazing guide here you’ve seen that um and if you go to heygo.com

Because Peppers is doing more tours also about the outside of the second Familia but also about the other works of Gaudi and a lot of other tours that I can highly recommend so uh that was a little advertisement and then we gonna show the last part so I’m Gonna

Change again the screen before it’s dark here you know the very very last could be to show them in an Adam’s shot yeah the Tower of Virgin Mary the real one oh I’m hearing them oh not on the on a picture but the real one with the 12 people star all the way

Up there which is going to be lit up later on yeah in the night time it’s lit up isn’t it that’s uh I have well again several times one of my tours is at night and you’ll see that star which is noon it weighs 5.5 tons

Only the star right wow and there are 800 windows in that tower that are lit up in the meantime I’m also hearing I think that’s because it’s six o’clock now that exactly that’s the the carry on so these four Towers have a little carry-on or some bells or they will be Tubular Bells

Inside but for now everything is digital yeah I thought already it sounded a little like uh right yeah okay wow this is this is amazing and I can I mean this was for me quite hard today and the reason is let me show you my face let me

Show you last time right place again because it’s higher yeah that’s true that’s my mask oh be careful it’s in your uh no it was for for me uh a tough tour not only of course I had to uh see all your questions and there were a lot of

Questions and I hopefully I did respond to most of them or to several of them at least but at the same time I was also trying to show you the inside of church and that’s only with the little screen and there is everywhere things that you

Can that you can see so it’s uh that’s not that’s not the easiest task so uh but thank you papers for giving me the possibility to do this tour together because it’s I think amazing that’s my pleasure and I’m happy that we have come up with a way of doing it without

Breaking any rules because they do not let you film if it is for commercial purposes yeah and this is not really for commercial purposes although that this is our livelihood right now yeah but you know if you are a tourist and I am the guide yeah my license okay it’s okay

That we explained and we have thought of that solution together and we are happy that we have completed that successfully yeah I had great fun doing that tour review stuff thank you I also had great fun hopefully I was not too slow sometimes because it was it was it was

Overwhelming I’ve been here several times already before but again I had goosebumps it was overwhelming so thank you really all for joining and for joining us for over an hour one hour and 15 minutes thank you also for all the tips because I’ve seen I’ve seen a lot

So enough for all the love of course we love you too um and yeah this was my for now my last tour in Barcelona I will go back to Amsterdam on Sunday and then we’ll do tours there again but I will be back in March okay in March so we will think about

Maybewell or the Sagrada again or maybe another part some other stories there’s there’s so much to tell and to see in this Christmas Market again if you come for Christmas yeah that was fun wasn’t it yeah that’s true that’s true it’s the first time today that we didn’t talk

About that kind of things right yeah yeah about that there was so much to talk about and Gaudi Park please uh so I know but thank you thank you again for joining it was amazing to have all of you over here uh and yeah we hope to see you in tours of

Episode follow papers for sure and all guys now sharing it yeah easiest look for Barcelona you’ll find me there yeah Barcelona there is a guy the guy with the the beers all right so that’s that’s it the young guy in Barcelona right the young guy in Barcelona so uh

No thank you again and I’m gonna give you some last shots okay because it’s getting getting dark over here so from the newer entrance and thank you everyone now Anthony fell and Penelope Penelope by the way what what what do we see in the text I didn’t

Ask that oh I see oh I can see it I think the texts it says Jesus that’s Latin for Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews King of the Jews okay and then since you are all the way up there looked at in between the towers a golden statue sitting on that bridge

Yeah this is the end of the story being explained here this is the Ascension to Heaven essentially we are essential to him I was first thinking like what is that man doing their things once in his way to heaven yeah it’s way to heaven so it’s not suicide the other way around

Right going up so no thank you thank you again we are gonna get I think a red wine or something like that yeah we have to do that we have to do that now for a farewell so for a farewell going it’s like Barcelona exactly so uh

Thank you again for joining today I’ll just do this right exactly um Catalan foreign and you are very welcome to join us again muchas gracias also I’m now doing now that I should leave yeah oh absolutely please I can touch so see you again bye bye and thank you

Join me for Flashback Friday. Once a week I will share a classic tour so that the community can watch together.

As a child, I was fascinated and inspired by the work of Antoni Gaudi, so it may come as no surprise that the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is my favourite church. Once again I will travel to Barcelona and join my good friend and colleague Pepus for an exciting collaboration. ☺️

In this unique tour, we will enter the fascinating architectural masterpiece that is Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia. We are extremely excited to be able to show you the dramatic and astonishing completed interior.

As I am less familiar with the church and Gaudi’s work, Pepus will be guiding myself, and you, fellow voyagers around the interior of the basilica, describing in detail what we see and how it was achieved.

Come along with us and admire the breathtaking beauty of the fabulous interior of the Sagrada Familia.

Should you wish to show appreciation for all of my hard work, you can give me a tip via trip admit, ‘buy me a coffee’ or send a tip via PayPal.

Tip and Review Stephan here: https://ticketing.tripadmit.com/t/c/4af1b670-0c1b-4698-9da3-67b548f01577

Buy me a coffee – https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stephanams

PayPal- https://www.paypal.me/StephanvanderMeer


  1. Absolutely spectacular. From the incredible outside stonework to the mindblowing intricacies of the interior, it's all just breathtaking. It's one of those places you could visit countless times and always discover something new – even if they weren't still adding to it! Hope you will be able to go back someday – and that Pepus will be able to join you. You worked so well together.

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