Hello hello hello everyone hello welcome to another Zen walks live stream from Madrid we are starting right now in the plaza L Sol the main Central Square of Madrid this is where the headquarters of the LA Madrid are this is the left building on our left I mean the building

On our left you can see already the live intense in this main square of Madrid so welcome everyone this is 5:35 p.m. on the 10th of February 2024 it is approximately 9° C right now please do hit the light subscribe already uh just go in that thumbs up

Symbol press it and if you haven’t done so please do subscribe to the Zen wats channel for more videos live streams like this and more long walking tour videos that we have plenty in our Channel we already have approximately 400 videos either in Lisbon Portugal or port to Portugal Countryside walks

Seaside walks Riverside walks Madrid walks Seville walks and many many many more so please do subscribe to the channel and give the thumbs up please to this live stream already on this first minutes of the live stream so welcome everyone we have green Sprout already here hello green Sprout so nice of you

To come here again because we not even 24 hours have passed since our last live stream exactly in Madrid but this was a Night Live Stream So if you missed that one please look for this after this live stream is finished look for this video this is Madrid live stream night walk

And you will enjoy the same Plaza as we are right now but in the night time so do search for that so we have Lawrence Mel welcome very nice to see you again and again Tesla my friend zong thank you so much for coming again and um it’s a

Pleasure to take you again to Madrid so wonderful it’s 1:35 a.m. Tesla oh my God but you don’t work tomorrow right I hope not it’s great to be again in Madrid green Sprout says definitely it’s a wonderful to be in Madrid again and doing a live stream so

Welcome everyone this was again the plol as I was saying we were here yesterday but today I’ll take you on a slightly different route we will explore the area of the Opera House also the National Palace the Royal Palace actually because Spain has a monarchy as well so we will

Explore that area and um take you on a different tour than yesterday so welcome so Luna holiday Tesla there in Korea so you will enjoy a bit of a relaxing time that’s very good very good to know very very good to know so as you see already that’s there’s

Plenty of people around it’s the usual Madrid um activity of course this is a Saturday afternoon and there’s many people out also this is already not cesta time so they are coming out to the streets all together and um but even during the week There’s plenty of people around so this is the

Apple Store we saw yesterday as well but this time during the day there you go the beautiful building and there’s my shadow hello everyone and uh yeah so this is the street we came to yesterday and um there’s an Ukraine flag there and this is that Apple Store we

Saw yesterday it’s a bit difficult with the reflection of the glasses to see but Apple store again Tesla says yes exactly so we could go on this street there’s actually a beautiful building over there but then it goes down and I want to keep this live stream in the center so we will

Face plad Del Sol again hope the connection is good this will be a bit of a shorter live stream today also because my data is running down so I don’t have so much later to do many more live streams especially if I am a abroad and outside of

Portugal but I can do this one still beautiful building green Sprout says Ah the shadow was nice thank you so Tesla says Ah flag of Apple yes there’s a flag of Apple usually on every Apple store or at least the symbol of the trade of the brand is usually

Visible so they have a flag here in plad so yeah so that’s that’s the flag right there okay so we before starting this live stream we came out of the Metro on that glass structure on the left and this is a symbol of Madrid the bear picking up the

Leaves from the tree so everyone joins together here to take photos of this so let’s continue let’s go on our walking tour live stream walking tour we are going up to the grandia that’s our first piece of the route for today this is another one of the Metro entrances but we will keep

Going so we are now going up the C de la Mona this is one of the streets that connect Saul to the Grand Mia and it’s also a pesan street as you see and it’s full of people full full it’s quite windy today in Madrid I hope

The microphones don’t get too noisy for you and hope it’s still a nice experience for you so Korea Apple Store don’t have Flags Tesla is saying I didn’t know that well there’s not Flags everywhere usually there’s the symbol of course of the Apple either on a flag or on some other

Structure but here they have a flag so that that’s a nice so here we have lots of esplanad as well and a police station right there so and police police women at the door this is an all you can eat store 11.95 the buet that you can have everything you

Want I’m getting a bit to the side because there’s so many people Kelly welcome thank you so much for joining us in this live stream in Madrid Spain this is Saturday afternoon it’s 9° C right now and um it’s the 10th of February 2024 it’s proximately 5:43

P.m. and I decided to do this live stream in Madrid because as you can see there’s so many people around it wouldn’t be so many people if it was 1 hour earlier because people do uh do Siesta uh not everyone does it we talked about that uh in yesterday’s

Live stream not everyone does it but many people do so around 3:00 and especially during the warm weather in summer there’s not many people around at 3:00 p.m. so they usually come out at 500 5:30 and um they all come out and just enjoy a bit of Madrid

Atmosphere and uh eventually go to some Asin and having some beers so Kelly saying this is great I’m sorry I missed the start Madrid is on my list of places to visit you do very well Kelly it’s an amazing City really so you have a right here it’s a kind of a Galleria

And it’s a bit surprising because not many people know about this I don’t know if the connection will keep stable I’ll just go a bit to the inside of this so you have some little bars and little restaurants here and some nice stores so yeah I won’t go

To the other side because I want to take you on that Cay that we were but it’s a nice area to explore if you come to to Madrid and you can just explore this as well so let’s go back to where we were I see it’s quite windy oh well really very windy

Good connection tesle is saying thank you looks so clean tesley is saying yeah I yeah usually it’s quite clean in Madrid they really are usually proud of the nice areas clean areas and um yeah even inside buildings when you go inside a building like a residential one it’s usually very very very clean

And smells of cleanliness you know what I mean it’s it’s quite interesting and this is we are arriving to the grandia it’s one of the big Avenues of Madrid so this street connects grandia to plal L Sol directly the other one is CA de Prados where we

Walked yesterday if you didn’t watch our live stream yes of yesterday please just do it after this one you will enjoy a Night Live walk in Madrid and we finished that live stream in the marado of San Miguel full of people enjoying drinks and beers and uh and some meals as

Well so yes that’s uh that’s quite nice so this is the the one of the entrances of the there’s someone there saying hi yeah so this is a grandia uh one of the Metro entrances but this is quite new I was saying to you yesterday this didn’t

Exist before it’s uh a lift going down to the Grand Metro station one of the things they’ve been doing a lot in Madrid is making uh the maximum number possible of TR of Metro stations accessible to everyone so wheelchairs can now go on the majority of the Metro

Stations in Madrid so that’s a huge effort they’ve been doing for making them totally accessible so this is a beautiful building up there and that’s of course that McDonald’s we saw yesterday so yes this is very very nice so we have someone else appearing uh and sun and them brain I can’t read

Exactly but anyway welcome and thank you for joining us on this Madrid live stream we have eight people watching so in Madrid Tesla is asking how many Metro lines are there uh I don’t know by part at least 11 because I remember having being on a metro line with the

Number 11 but maybe there is more I’m not sure but at least 11 they exist and they cover the majority of Madrid area you can really go almost anywhere in Madrid by Metro and also by bus because they have an amazing bus Network buses keep going in the center every 5 4

Minutes so let’s cross the grandia as you see there’s lots of people and dogs as well that’s a very nice doggy and uh yeah this is just great you see so many people around and you really feel a burst of energy just being here yeah so Soul has 11 as

Well I think almost 100% covered the whole city Tesla hello Tesla says so yeah um that’s interesting yeah one day I’ll go to Soul I really would love that hope I can do that soon let’s see one day I never know so let’s visit a bit the quen caral

Street I know this is a bit of a repetition of what we did yesterday but this is now during the day and uh you can see the atmosphere is a bit different and people keep just walking on the street without stopping it’s always a flow of people on Fen caral street it’s quite

Amazing so T is saying you think that I like M life living in Madrid well in between Madrid and Lisbon I was always flying back and forth but um it’s really an amazing atmosphere so yeah it’s uh I love it so this is Fen caral I don’t

Know I’ll put the camera up and maybe you can see in the distance thousands of People so yes let’s go back to the Gia you could see I think thousands of people in the distance just going on this street which is so nice it’s quite amazing and um yeah so we will now walk on Granda and Um go to the as I was saying earlier to the Opera theater to the Opera uh area and also to the Royal Palace so please do share the link of this live stream with your friends if you talking to someone and hey you do you want to see something about Madrid

Just put this on and they can join in in this live stream this is happening right now this is alive so it’s exactly what’s happening right now in Madrid so there’s a nice photo happening there and uh yeah so there’s the grand beia Metro Station I just passed it she likes photography

Shees in her life and yes it’s so nice that people just uh say hi to the camera I don’t know if they see that I’m doing a live stream or just uh see a camera up this doesn’t happen when I’m recording the long videos usually because the camera I use

For the long vide is the bucket 3 and not bucket 2 as I was saying yesterday in the live stream I don’t know why I said that so it’s a very tiny camera and people don’t really see it but this gimbal with my iPhone people really see

It a lot so usually they just um interact with it and I’m not the kind of YouTuber that goes waving around at everyone because if I did that of course people would wave back but I’m not doing that unless we wave at me of course I wave

Back so green SP says the palace would be fabulous then great I will take you there and we will enjoy a bit of a different route this is the same as yesterday as you see this is a huge Primark store right here right there with the H&M at the

Bottom but yes this is a huge story inside and you see lots of people already going there so yes um yeah it’s um you see yes everyone going there’s a big Prim Mark and you can see people coming down and two escalators going up and one coming down full of people with bag

And of course it’s uh yeah as you can see it’s a it’s a huge store it’s five stories and um yeah it’s a major Primark store in Madrid so let’s just get a bit closer again I I’m not getting money from Primark for filming their main entrance it’s just because it’s curious

And uh yeah cuz it’s so huge it’s so huge yeah that everyone everyone is here and uh yeah and there’s beautiful buildings all around I don’t know if you can see some nice Bronze Statues on that building over there at the top and uh they’re shining in the Sun so

It’s uh it’s quite interesting so right now we’re going out of the Primark area it’s being a bit complicated to walk here actually cuz there’s so many people and um yeah so let’s keep walking so I’ll cross actually so green Sprout nice gear at H&M Tesla yes that’s

True so let’s see more Tesla said I think Spanish people saving faster saying faster than others uh you mean talking I suppose yes they do talk very fast I don’t know if that’s what you meant there’s mango yes exactly yes there’s lots of stores around here

O show of course this is also an famous one so you have all the big stores around this area of grandia so we have trending coming trending ww a n DW thank you for coming nice to see you my friends please please do not forget to hit the Subscribe button and

The like button two easy actions and if you’re watching this live and you want to join the live chat and if you’re not a subscriber you can just easily subscribe to Zen walks and after 1 minute you’ll be able to join in the live chat so it’s pretty easy so this is the

Beautiful buildings of Madrid and there we go Crossing again I’ll run a bit so yeah sorry for this sudden movement of the camera but there’s so much happening that I just needs to be everywhere you Know So there’s a Baska there with fans and plastic containers doing an amazing worker Percussion you’re welcome trending you’re welcome again That was quite cool huh and then we join with the crowds there we go this is non-stop action in Madrid there’s the famous scheps advertisement there on that triangular building very famous in Madrid and uh yes so oops there we go trying to get around in the

Crowds so this is the Cayo Plaza we are now at Cayo right now another main plaza of Madrid and this is an association for dog rescue and they of course are um making a funding and bring their beautiful dogs and people can Pat the dogs and just

Enjoy the happiness that dogs bring you it’s amazing that And again this is the Caya Plaza with all the screens as you can see there’s a screen on the left and that screen of snu building there it now looks like just normal windows but it is a huge screen just going vertically there and um yeah so it just changed right now

With an advertising yeah you love dogs green Sprout I knew that I love dogs too so much so I hope you’re enjoying this live stream oh there’s a police car coming there we go and that’s the cayao metro station so I’ll just take you there so if you ever

In Cayo you can already go to the Metro right here there’s other ENT entrances to the Metro this is one of them it’s the main one that accesses this square right here so yeah so so yeah we will now go down some other less I would I would say less

Crowded but I see already so many people in the street I was going to let’s say less wide uh less wide streets of Madrid so yeah and we go to the Opera area and also the Royal Palace so that’s the idea so let’s keep going I always feel this happiness

Everywhere so I don’t know if you can see but that’s the C Prados where we were yesterday and um it is full of people completely full it’s quite amazing it’s quite amazing I can’t zoom for you unfortunately so I think you can see lots of people there that’s the street at the center

There so Tesla is asking oh police where yes police was just passing by with the emergency lights and sounds I don’t know they they had some emergency let’s just get a closer view at C Prados right there but we’re not going that that way today it is full

People we could actually go that way and then turn right yeah let me check your last comments very good percussionist Kelly said yes definitely he was very very good was amazing he was amazing and so yeah we could go that way but it’s a bit less crowded so I would say we take

CA Prados again and we just um absorb the atmosphere of a Saturday afternoon in Madrid it’s very cold 9° I would say maybe 8 cuz it feels quite cold right now but that doesn’t make people go away and go home yes 66 it’s 80° right now so it’s just

Updated not at all because even in esplanad one thing that Spanish do is go to esplanad either if it’s raining or cold or hot weather they just enjoy a nice drink at an espa I’ll just let that car go so we have a bit more nicer

Views and look a bit back to cayao square there with all that advertising and uh yeah it’s quite quite interesting so there we go so we are in the busy street of Prados right now that’s the FN main entrance for you it’s very thin building so you you enter and

You’re already at the at the end of it but then it’s long so it’s a huge store you have a leevy store bka SWAT yeah so so much great view says green Sprout indeed it’s yeah it’s amazing I’ll take you just to give you a bit of hunger for your Saturday dinner I

Just see of course some ham of course not not the preferred thing of everyone but this is very typically Spanish so you have ham sandwiches everywhere and uh like these ones with a I’m hanging just you know over the over the voila over the sandwich so it’s

Quite interesting but then you also have this empanadas quite typical especially from Argentina yes this they have a lot of Argentina impan stores in Madrid ah so it’s that’s cool Tesla thank you Michael Michaels welcome as well thank you for coming we are in Madrid right

Now doing a live stream here at the very center of Madrid this is C Prados one of the most intense shopping streets of Madrid there are more of course but this is one of the more intense ones where everyone comes also because it connects it’s the famous Plaza del where we are

Heading now again to the uh Cayo so Cayo plat is another famous square of Madrid where we were just some minutes ago thank you for joining us Michael Michaels it’s uh it’s so nice to have you in this live stream again you’re always usually in these live streams so

I thank you so much for joining in and again please do like this sub this live stream do press the like button if you didn’t do so yet and subscribe to Zen walks and you can join the live chat very easily by just subscribing to Zen walks and please

Share if you can this the link of this live stream with your friends this is elting the famous Spanish department store they have a courting list in every Big Town of Spain so yeah it’s uh they have several in Madrid of course I don’t even know the number but it should be a

Lot of cting GL in the Hall of Madrid this is one of the stores this is on the right the cting GL here it has an entrance to Soul train St Metro station also here it’s a bit hidden so this is a nice thing to know as well so you have

An entrance to the Metro right at CA Prados in the courting L building and then they have also the next building you can see already the green letters of courting on the next building so it’s yeah just courting is very famous here and they sell everything really and uh so we have police

Here very tall policeman so yeah yeah that there’s not usually cars here but that car is here so I’m going to the side of this cuz it’s so crowded it’s a bit difficult to walk it’s beautiful so green Sprout says please press please press like all of

You thank you so much green I thank you for that support here we are again at Plaza del we were just started the just started the live stream here and we are again here we are back we started on the left side of the plaza and we are now going to the right

Side so Mac is good quality you you you refer to the lipsticks I suppose yes I I have no idea I don’t know anything about lipsticks but I suppose it’s a good brand if green Sprout says it’s a good brand of course I I believe that

Totally and there we go so I wanted to take you to this street here and again it’s so full of people everywhere you can see there that’s a lot of people everywhere Ricky belron welcome to this live stream in Madrid you seeing Madrid live as it is happening right now this

Is the plad Del Soul I’ll just show you again where we were that’s the presiden de commun de Madrid the building with the tower on top that’s the Comm de Madrid headquarters so yeah Lawrence says nice area so good to see so many people out indeed it’s really amazing to see so many People so thank you thank you and thank you Ricky beltron for joining in okay so we are now going to towards the Opera theater area as I was saying to you I will first take you again to that store of May orina the famous traditional pastry store in Madrid let’s go around

Here because there’s so many people there Kelly says thank you for this great video I have to say goodbye for now thank you for coming take care everyone take care Kelly thank you so much for joining in really it’s uh so good to welcome you here for some

Minutes and see you next time so this is the Maya you go you have already of course the nice Paces there and yes so you see they have the on the center there they have the a sign saying tases so Tor is a slice of bread um

Soaked in milk and then it’s fried and they then put sugar and cinnamon on top it’s a bit it’s exactly there at the center so you see my finger is pointing right there so that’s a TOA and it’s quite famous especially during Easter lent and Easter so it’s a traditional

Thing and it’s quite tasty and Portugal does this style of thing a bit different but similar in Christmas time so it’s curious that Spanish do it in Easter and Portuguese we do it in Christmas hey Kelly you just offered a super sticker thank you so much really

That’s so nice of you really thank you thank you thank you that’s that’s great I really thank you for for that it’s uh I can’t thank you in other way than just saying thank you and thanking you for your support to S walks Channel really so Canada yes exactly that that

Was Kelly for you and uh thank you for being such a supporter so this is the May orina store as we saw and going in just taking my camera in for a bit I’m not going really in just for you to see many

Here it is um it is GRA it is um just amazing they all come here so many people come to this Marina I actually should say I was was here already today and ate a beautiful quason that they really make special so there’s already a

Queue to go in here and they also have a floor upstairs where you can have all their Delicacies and beautiful paces and sweets and everything so please do come here if you come to Madrid this is right at Saul plazza so it’s very easy to find

So let’s go on our way to the Opera theater that we can kind of see my camera is a bit white at the in the Horizon so you can’t really see but we’ll be there in a short while so again this is a Street full of people this is C

Aral and it’s also pestan of course so all this was traffic in many as in many capitals but it’s long long long ago just pedestrian I hope you’re enjoying this live stream my friends it’s I always find it’s so nice to just walk in the streets of Madrid and be together with everyone even if you don’t know them it’s a very interesting feeling that I get from Madrid and that I don’t get exactly like

This in other capitals of Europe harp player green Sprouts says unusual yeah definitely that’s not usual to see harp players and especially harp players playing that tune on that song so yeah it’s it’s it was quite interesting to see that yeah it was a bit of a harping pop

Frequency or Latino frequency I would say ah there was someone there eating happily a churo I wonder if few my friends have tried a churro already just write on the live chat if you did or not I do love churos ah and I smell Beautiful perfume of churos in this

Street actually they’re coming to me as a like a little devil enticing me to just buy some churos let’s see maybe after the live stream I don’t know so this is a nice church right here at the center of Madrid with a beautiful Tower right there it’s a beautiful Church

Yeah I’ve actually performed in this church already okay so we are are almost arriving at the Opera plaza where there’s also a metro station of line two Zen feels hungry yeah well actually I’m not hungry at all because I had a late lunch but um

Churos is such a nice thing it’s also a bit of an unhealthy thing to have but once in a while I think that’s okay if you just have it you know yeah so yeah let’s see your last comments so desn had the sh yes so and green Sprout said yes poor harp

Yes I I I cannot agree more it was a bit I mean a bit out of context I would say harp is such a noble instrument shuru is great so green Sprout tried it already Yes in salanka it’s auno yes in Salamanca and also in Madrid you know Des nikada they

Do have churos for breakfast I mean not everyone of course but if they go if they go out in in the morning then they then they they have churos yes sonas welcome my friend thank you so much for joining in our live live stream in Madrid in this 8° C but doing the

Live stream I’m not as cold as if I was filming a long video because I’m talking to you so I feel a bit of warmth coming from my dear friends that are watching this live stream so let’s put our Pace a bit faster to go to

The Opera as I was saying this should be of a smaller live stream because my data is running low but uh then I keep talking and show you lots of things and then I lose track of time usually 16 watching there Nik is saying thank you I know that Madrid videos are not

So viewed as Lisbon videos in on the channel but that’s fine I always find it’s interesting to show subscribers uh variety of content and not only this videos as well so there we go so that building straight ahead is the Opera House of Madrid so it’s called theatro real so

It’s really the Royal Opera House the real the m and it’s an amazing building it’s an amazing opera house and they do have a season full of Productions it’s quite quite nice so there’s a McDonald’s right there I don’t know if it’s relevant information for any of you but of course McDonald’s is

Almost everywhere so yeah and the metro station right there you have a an lift going to the metro station and then um and the steps of course going to the metro station lots of people on the streets of Madrid so nous says yes there’s always lots of people especially

On a Saturday afternoon like this so there’s yeah it’s there’s lots of people yeah yeah and um so this is the Metro so there we go and um let’s take a walk around the Opera theater there’s beautiful blue skies on the right and a beautiful Cloud on the

Right if you go on this street on my left that I’m showing you with the camera you go straight towards that Mercado of s Miguel that we where we were yesterday and uh yeah so this is the street we came from from SA that’s a nice nice

Little uh how do I say maette no I don’t know how to say in English a nice little sculpture so this is the the real that’s the building right there it’s a beautiful building building so we also have performances of the balet naal the Franc pulong and they also have

Shenberg 8 17 to 828 of Marth March quite interesting so they have a new production in the the the real of love human in yeah so you quite quite nice yes so this is the Opera square right here so yes gorilla yes there was a gorilla some somewhere there yeah those usually big

Gorillas you put a CO you give a coin and then they do something so let’s walk towards the National Royal Palace as I promised you we take either one of these streets the left one or the right one of the Opera house we’re taking the left one and the Royal Palace is behind

The Opera theater so Tesla saying Asian girls using Instagram I think so many people use Instagram now uh I would say in uh how do I say this without sound a bit strange I would say in an excess of usage oh this dog my goodness so beautiful it’s wi amazing that dog was

Wow it’s in the right context close to the Royal Palace that dog really belongs yeah so yes the usage of Instagram is sometimes a bit I would find maybe a bit too much in my opinion but every everyone everyone does what they like of course and I don’t

Criticize that it’s just I think that sometimes it’s good to just do a a rest or a pause of Instagram and just observe what’s around you that’s my opinion anyway but I understand that people get a bit enticed by the Instagram addictiveness really so this is the back part of the

Theater which is quite beautiful this is the the back of the Opera theater right there and that’s the street we came from so Lawrence is saying there’s no Starbucks in Australia that’s in and actually you are saying that they opened a lot of stores and um they just closed down so yeah I

Guess Australians I wonder if they just like their own way of making coffee and Starbucks was not famous because of that I don’t know it’s curious to know Australians revolted that’s nice yeah that’s interesting that’s cuz yeah you just kept your own traditions and not accepting others uh

In terms of coffee and everything of course that’s that’s interesting so that is my friends the Royal Palace right behind this Fountain and this is a beautiful area very Noble so it’s beautiful gardens there’s bells ringing in the distance Australians consider Starbucks to be McDonald’s of coffee I see

Interesting that’s a nice dog as well I think there’s some protests happening somewhere at the left so we will take you there in a moment so this is the Royal Palace this is a Royal Palace building with a beautiful area around there’s some golden Sunset happening right there so Lauren saying so

Imposing yeah I tend to agree with you as well yes wow that’s nice and so you have the hardas here this is The Gardens of the palace that you can also visit so this is the Hardin the sabatini they they they are just behind this fence hard sabatini are right there at the

Front ahead of as I mean and this is the Royal Palace here yes so Lawrence is remembering those nice Gardens exactly they’re very beautiful yes we’re not going there actually we are just going to circle the palace a bit and so Lawrence is saying I love the young people

About you mean right here now in Madrid I I if if you’re saying that yes it it’s through there’s so many young people just enjoying Madrid and enjoying an afternoon out eventually then um Gathering again for some taas some drinks later on and um it’s uh yeah it’s

It’s a very special thing in Madrid indeed oop sorry okay so Tesla is saying there is a famous Korean coffee brand a to some place many foreigners shocked by the name I don’t know first time after heard explain now I got it the only are definitely poor at English I see what you

Mean yeah those things happen sometimes they Do so my friends do do subscribe to Zen walks and hit the like button this is a royal palace of Spain the official residence of the king and queen of Spain there is a beautiful sunset happening and again so many people around just walking by the Royal

Palace of course I can hear there’s many tourists around here but also Spanish it’s not only tourists there is another bear a polar bear this time and um so we are continuing I’m going to lift my camera again so you can see how many people are there I told

You and here we go so we I think you could see how many people there are here yeah so there’s many people going right there I don’t know what’s happening of course this is usual place for protests so I’m going to put my microphone off for some minutes don’t be

Scared I’ll come back to you because there’s some copyrighted track just going there so talk to you very very soon so I’m back with the microphone on again um so we are circling the royal palace and this is an area i’ Never filmed for Zen walk so this is the first foren

Walks uh and the first as well on a live stream and here we are on the left side of the palace and you already can see a beautiful sunset of course and also you can see the church this is the the Cathedral of sun Maria la de la

Ala so I was saying it’s Cathedral Cathedral de Santa Maria la de ala so this is the almost like I would say the Royal Cathedral really so there’s the palace on one side there with beautiful golden sunset going on those fences I will take a closer look at that big whereare of the

Palace I just found a nice friend here so I just saw a very nice friend of mine he just got Live on YouTube without knowing um yeah it’s very very nice he is a musician as well so yeah quite quite nice so again I was telling you

That I was going to show you this inner Courtyard of the palace there you go my phone doesn’t fit here so I’ll just have to go like that it’s quite amazing you have the Spanish flag right there and it’s huge square and there is the sunset and that Cathedral just

Going like magnificent really and there’s huge flock of birds above us I think you can see still so yes we are at the Royal Palace let me check your last comments oh you wrote a lot that’s cool I love it when you write so many things that’s

Good so yes Tesla talking about the coffee always a tricky subject isn’t it so yes the kings of Spain are upset with each other yeah it’s an ongoing process desik as you know so that place is the best of today’s video Tesla is saying I’m glad you think so thank you and

Um Santa Church yes golden Sunset yes it is beautiful here it is really very very beautiful I really find it’s an amazing also amazing views that’s where everyone’s heading we’re doing those 360 videos right there beautiful golden Sunset I hope you’re enjoying this live don’t forget to give this a thumbs

Up please and subscribe to Zeno so let’s go to this beautiful golden Sunset happening right now the sun is really going down as we are walking So it’s quite beautiful so everyone’s coming to this wall over here inside the Royal Palace premises to see The View and so we are going to show it to you as well so there’s so many people you can see already the view from here spe spe speech speech

So the sun just set as we were approaching the wall I just saw the sun going down and there’s still some Sun hitting those towers of that church part of the palace is still with a golden color it’s amazing my friends it’s amazing to be here I think the temperature will drop now

That the sun is gone right now I’m feeling now quite cold I see my phone and it’s just uh 7° yes so it is it is quite getting a bit cold but it’s still very very nice last one so Ricky beltron oh my goodness thank you so much for for

Your super sticker really I really thank you a lot for that uh for your support really thank you so it’s $499 I thank you so so much that’s a great help for the channel I really thank you wow it’s it’s beautiful to get your support really thank you thanks so

Much I hope you’re enjoying this and you enjoyed this live stream we are just about to finish because it’s we just got to the Royal Palace area with the sunset here so it’s um we are about to end it’s in a beautiful sunset right here as with everyone just watching the sunet

Still so do you want on the so my friends this is the end of today’s live stream in Madrid we are just taking our last footage here of the Royal Palace and the Cathedral of almudena this is 7° C this was the 10th of febrary 2024 it’s now 6:41

P.m. and uh we are just ending the live stream I really thank you for all your support do subscribe and walks and please do share Zen walks Channel with your friends and on Facebook groups if you are a a member of a Facebook group uh Facebook group that is you know

Related to travel or walking tours or whatever you know just just share the link of some videos on Facebook Facebook groups and WhatsApp as well so thank you thank you so much oh my goodness so we have another contribution from Denis thank you I didn’t know you were there welcome Denise konita gracias

Forour Fantastic no thank you thank you so much really and uh it’s very nice to see you oh and green Sprout also uh my goodness so green Sprout just gave 10 my friends I don’t know what to tell you and and especially what to tell green Sprout because green Sprout has contributed so

Much to the Channel that I really don’t know what to say oh my god really thank you so much oh my goodness and then we have Benny Loco as well contributing Benny I didn’t know you were there you’re always in the background so that’s fantastic thank you Benny for your contribution as well

Super sticker received my goodness and now Tesla as well my God my friends I don’t know what to say you’re making me kind of cry right here I don’t show my face on the live streams but if I would show it you would see uh I’m a bit emotional

So and you know I’m very honest always because I think that’s that’s how I am anyway so um I really really thank you very very much for your support my friends really so let’s take a last a last View of the Panorama right here and we will end

This live stream uh here overlooking the town part of Madrid a bit not the center this is already the outskirts so Benny Lo says as always a magnificent walk thank you Zen thank you for being there Ricky thank you also Lawrence green Sprouts Tesla desn so many more and I really thank you

My friends it’s amazing to have you have Zen walk subscribers so enjoy your weekend your Sunday and um see youdon see you all very soon and uh on the live stream or on another long video of Zen walks so it was a pleasure and thank you so much for

Your contributions really that that really was amazing amazing okay bye-bye everyone see you soon have a nice weekend and a nice Sunday and see you on a live stream or another Zen walks video bye-bye and take care thank you bye spe my

Welcome to MADRID Spain! Please LIKE the live-stream. Thank you!
🇬🇧 Streamed February 10th , 2024

► Date: 10/02/2024
► Time: 5:30 pm
► Temperature: 8ºC
► Map:
Shot in 1080p HDR at 60fps

This LIVESTREAM explores Madrid Center, and Madrid CENTRO, in Madrid Spain.
We’ll explore Madrid SOL, Madrid CALLAO, Madrid Mercado de San Miguel, and many more.

☕ Buy Me A Coffee ►
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► Camera: iPhone 14 Pro Max
► Gimbal: Zhiyun Smooth 4

#madrid #madrid4k #madridcentro #madridspain #madrid2024 #madridlive #madridwalk #discovermadrid


  1. There were many beautiful sights along this walking tour and an amazing atmosphere! I loved the architecture especially the Royal Opera House and the Palace. The golden sunset towards the end was awesome! Loved this, Zen Walks and thanks! 😊

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