In this video you are going to see the summary of our road trip number two, through the vineyards of La Rioja. Even if you are not a wine lover, you will love the landscapes and beautiful villages we visit along the trip. I am Tony Gálvez from Road Trip Spain and Portugal, where we help you plan the perfect trip with practical information and insider tips. The core content of this channel are road trips and today we are embarking on a three-day trip through the vineyards of La Rioja. It is the second of our initial list of 20 road trips through Spain. The first video is a summary of the road trip, and it will be followed by one video dedicated to each day of the route. So, in total, the road trip is formed by the introductory video you’re watching now plus three additional videos. You will find the links to all the videos on the description below, and on the first comment too. Before we begin the summary of the trip, we feel we need to clarify in some detail a very important term for anyone who is into wines. And that is the term "rioja", which in Spanish can have several meanings. First of all, we have La Rioja, which is a "Comunidad Autónoma", an administrative division of Spain, similar to a state in the United States or a region or department in other countries. As you will see shortly, only some parts of La Rioja produce rioja wine. Then we have the term "Rioja" identifying the lands where rioja wines are produced. Rioja is a qualified designation of origin. Rioja is divided into three areas: Rioja Alta, roughly between Logroño and Haro, set entirely within the La Rioja administrative division. Then it’s Rioja Oriental, occupying parts of La Rioja and neighbouring Navarra. And finally Rioja Alavesa, two smallish pockets of land within the Basque Country, and hence outside the La Rioja administrative division. During our road trip we are going to visit the winemaking regions of Rioja Alta and Rioja Alavesa. We will be crossing borders between La Rioja and the Basque Country several times. Those borders have absolutely no impact on your whereabouts. You will notice you are moving from one region to another because of the signposts on the roads and because in the Rioja Alavesa region there are two official languages, Spanish and Basque, and many signs are presented in both languages. Let’s have a look at the map. We are heading to the north of Spain. It is a three-day round trip departing from the city of Logroño, driving through the winemaking region of Rioja we have just described and returning to the city of Logroño. On the route, it’s all about wine and wine making, with quite a few other interesting places along the way . Here are a few more details of the roa d trip. So this was a short summary of the trip. If you’re ready to hit the road, click on the video with day one to get started on the trip. If you’re new to the channel, take the opportunity to subscribe using the button that will appear shortly on the screen. And if you liked the video, smash the thumbs up, big fans for it. We’ll see you soon in another video with tips for a road trip in Spain or Portugal. "Até mais!" "¡Hasta la próxima!" See you soon!

✋This is the summary to our road trip number 02, through the Vineyards of La Rioja.
#roadtrip #spain #larioja
➡️ SUMMARY OF THE TRIP: https://youtu.be/uQZ5fKjwqSQ
➡️ DAY 01 LOGROÑO-LABASTIDA: https://youtu.be/-6rvowMrviA
➡️ DAY 02 LABASTIDA-LAGUARDIA: https://youtu.be/7mxyahR5gcw
➡️ DAY 03 LAGUARDIA-LOGROÑO: https://youtu.be/APmvLhfiqZo
Welcome to Road trip Spain & Portugal, where we help you prepare the perfect road trip with lots of tips and information.


  1. Hola Tony!!! I’m looking forward to your upcoming Road-trip!!! 👍 What I enjoy with your Road-trip adventures is that you bring us to places we’ve never been before …not the typical tourist route. 😃
    Now I have something to look forward to!!! 👍 👍 👍
    Hasta luego !!

  2. Hi Tony, really enjoying your videos, my wife and I are in the process of planning our trip, can you recommend what hotels to stay in Labastida and Laguardia as we will be driving ?

  3. We are loving these video series. We are planning a trip in the northern spain. Something like 12 days drive. From Barcelona -> Bilbao -> Oviedo -> Santiego de Compostela. But not sure what could be a nice route to return back to Barcelona in like 2nights and 3 days from Santiego de Compostela. Its 1100 Kms .. So one of the day we would love to stay near La Rioja. But apart from that can you suggest something ?

  4. Hello Tony. ✌☀🇨🇦 Is it quite foolish for my husband and I to only allow 1 full day to the Rioja wine area? We are staying 4 nights in Bilbao, and my 1 day is focused on 2 communities of Laguardia & Logroño. Does that sound reasonable? Thank YOU for your videos – they are of great help.

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