📺🎦Where Were Your Favorite TV Shows Really Filmed? The TV Series Special

I think your Wi-Fi was called winter is coming for a very long time right winter is coming we were that obsessed with that show an hour away from there is Gast Lugi and you can Trek up dragon stone that a lot of Vikings again was shot in Ireland King ragna wanted to actually capture the City of Paris we shall attack Paris for for Emily in Paris the real star was Paris itself Paris oh you know during the pandemic I started binging on Kama binging on K but one K drama Neil that worked not for Korea but for another country North Korea two questions still keep me up at night okay one was Shah ruk Khan getting out of a helicopter and running for the arti in kabi Kushi kab where was that shot because I still haven’t been able to figure out you know those movies really gave me uh at least me me imagine how manut will be from the inside where you know he’ll have like this massive staircase I thought you going to say it inspired you to go and study not at all [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone welcome back to another episode of travel explor Celebrate life now if you recall and if you’ve been a regular listener of this podcast we once did an episode called Bollywood travels where we took movies and we went to the shooting locations of all of these movies and talked about how these movies really worked wonders for those destinations now an example of this is D and land zind M dbara and Spain what Amir Khan and The Three Idiots cast did for pangong Lake in ladak is also another example so for today’s episode we decided to keep movies on the back burner and we decided to bring in TV shows because all of us nowadays whether we are traveling by public transport we are traveling in a car whether we are on a plane or whether we are just trying to sleep we are just watching TV shows all the time that’s why today on travel explore Celebrate life we are going to look at certain TV shows and this is a massive list that sunila has created and we’re going to talk about all of the destinations where these TV shows have been shot now when I was discussing about this podcast with sonila sonila was like Neil you introduce the episode you talk about what we’re going to talk about but let me start off and she wanted to start off with a TV show that is very recent and that is very recent and is on Netflix and I’m sure most of us have watched it or maybe we are in the process or might be we’ve watched a few episodes and we are almost going to finish it but by what we do nowadays which is we binge watch I think most of you must have already watched it so sunila what is this TV show that you wanted to start off with maybe I should start off by saying adab before I talk of the TV show because it’s changed how we speak how we talk it has even brought shyi back into everyone’s life I’m talking of H Mandi the hugely popular show because it was not just the story line but I think the produ the way it was made it’s like a visual spectacle NE like I don’t know if you’ve I don’t think you had the chance to watch this by the time that we are recording this but definitely catch it because it’s like bringing the movies to the small screen and I think that really is is why it’s working so well also I think with the TV series the whole thing is there’s always something to look forward to right there’s always something new so you know that the next episode and it was a short one Eight Episodes but how does that connect to like travel like you know yes does it connect to travel because it was shot and it is based in lore I don’t think it was shot there but the whole story was based and it takes you back in time it takes you back in time to a time when India was a bigger country than it is today and I think the most important thing was it takes you back and shows you the old city that like the way it was like a lot of people I think I think TV shows are really an influencer in you know kind of a lot of ways they show us things they um show the landscapes and everything with this show it wasn’t so much that but it influenced everything from the way you dress to what kind of clothes to wear uh how do you speak what do you do how do you greet each other and what was the real India so in a lot of ways Neil it takes you back completely back in time to India pre-independence and um I think for me that was it like just going back in time being able to transport yourself through a TV show because there’s no other way of doing it but you’re lost in time and you think wow this was India this is how they lived This Is How They dressed this is how they traveled they also show like this camp in one of the episodes where they go off for hunting and uh you know that was their little travel in that they’re traveling by these uh like uh carts they they have they don’t have cars or the old cars those old cars vintage cars that you see so all of that kind of you know really takes you back in time so for me the show was more like time travel but I just thought we should start with it from there and then go on to a lot of like some shows are all shot um in a studio but there are a lot of others that are on location and that kind of really inspires us of where we are traveling how we are traveling but since this was so recent you know I really thought we should first travel back in time and then get back to to the different series and how they Inspire us to travel I think that’s a good way to start but speaking of going back in time you had also told me that there was a show that you wanted to talk about which was probably even before I was born which was that yes so one show that all of us used to love back in time was suubi I think a lot of people might remember it was beautifully presented by Ruka shahani and sidat kak and it touched on the different regions of India so the time before you had uh phones smartphones the time that you did not have Instagram you didn’t have other means or social media to share anything this show spoke about the customs and the tradition of India from different parts of the country and everything was brought to life in that one hour everyone used to wait for it on D dasan that when will we watch it and you know the funny part is they used to have this competition where you had to write back the answers and in that the postal Department actually had to issue a competition post stamp because people were writing in so much that they introduced some two rupes postal stamp which was known as the competition postal stamp so that was the time you know that was only window into what India was all about and it kind of inspired you to travel that okay next time I go to the South I want to go and see where this is made next time I go to Kolkata I want to go and see where this is where is Shanti nikan where is this so I think that show did a lot of good to inspiring people about travel even before the times of social media well I think even before or even before the internet as I would say right like you know and that’s how you probably brought different things from different parts of the world um to the Forefront now coming to recent times what is one show um in terms of the locations they use that comes to your mind NE there are many shows that come to my mind but I think before we go on to the ones across the world before we start this journey of travel series all around the world I want to start with India okay uh and one of a really nice show uh which also brought music back like classical music was bandish Bandits and bandish bandits were shot in one of your favorite cities in India on which we have done many podcasts and that is jpur and it looks so stunning it looks so stunning it it gives you that you know will that okay I want to go there next when you see the show and I think that that really works I don’t think it’s only my favorite city in India jur is I think everyone’s favorite city in India because mean as a fort is incredible and I like adventure activities so the zip line that you do there with a backdrop and of course we digressing a bit but movies sh in jpur are also crazy right The Dark Knight Rises actually started with the backdrop of the mangard fort and today when you go there you see different things but let’s not talk about movies let’s come back out here one TV show that really captured everyone’s imagination was Game of Thrones was we have to have to talk about it yeah and I think it’s an apt way to start the episode also because I can see your list out here and that list is massive but Game of Thrones at least for me was very unique very different in the way it showed um the locations and you know nowadays with high budget TV shows are going all across the world all across India right and I had the pleasure of actually going and visiting Dragon Stone as it was called in the TV show or as they call it in real life gast lug in Spain or in Bas country of Spain which is Northern Spain where you go to San Sebastian which because I like food has the most number of Michelin star restaurants per um square kilometer or something like that and when we were there an hour away from there is Gast Lugi and you can TK up dragon stone and you know it’s just incredible and you going to San Sebastian after we record this so I think you should definitely go but that’s one place that I know that okay Game of Thrones was short here but which were the other locations that it was shorted I think if you’re talking of Game of Thrones we have to talk of Croatia and like you rightly mentioned I actually changed the itary after you told me that Dragon Stone was in San Sebastian I said let me add one more day because I’m going that far I don’t want to miss it so I think that that’s the thing you may not go to a certain place to see it but if you are there I think it’s totally worth it to I I forgot to tell you if you’re going to Gast Lugi 5 days before or 15 days before 10 days before you have to make a booking so make sure you book that slot because over tourism was happening and that’s why they limited the number of people it’s easy to just block it but it’s always good to do that okay now to the next that’s a very good tip and then going on to Game of Thrones Neil I think if we speak of singling out one country of course it was shot in many countries but U nothing had an effect and I think they are seeing the effects as much as Croatia does now when I went to Croatia I actually went there before I saw Game of Thrones okay so for me there was no connect to Game of Thrones and Croatia when I saw it but I want to go back there now and because the TV show yeah like I would Croatia is so beautiful that I would go there every year if I could but uh you know now it it’ll kind of connect the TV show and the hype for me that what was this crazy hype all about because I think duonic which is Kings Landing in the show and the Great Walls of it and now when when I saw the show for me it was the reverse and I said hey I’ve been there I’ve done that you know I’ve seen this so that was quite special I think in split the palace is used so that was also something that was used in Croatia and there was so many other places out there which really just changed the country’s tourism for them right it was it was stunning so this was Kings Landing and all the locations and I think it it kind of brings out the best of Croatia with those red tiled roofs with the Palaces with everything that you see there different palaces were used different G Gardens were used so all of that is something quite stunning and then in contrast you have the the I I remember I think your Wi-Fi was called winter is coming for a very long time right we were that obsessed with that show that we would use it everywhere and it kind of became a line winter is coming and so when winter was coming everything was icy and everything was cold and uh of course it was in Iceland so KCU fell was the place that they shot there and it’s not far from reic you can visit there uh in summer it’s all green this lush green with waterfalls and apparently it’s really easy to get there and then in winter it’s completely covered with so there are Game of Thrones tours that happen in all of these places is that correct a lot of places it happens and if you really want to catch a Game of Thrones uh tour one of the best places but probably which did not get as much uh of an effect was Ireland okay so in Ireland you have the Game of Thrones tour and uh the dark hedges if you remember King’s Road that beautiful road with those beach trees that intertwine even otherwise it looks straight out of a fairy tale for me but the dark Hedges was there and I remember at that point one of our colleagues had gone uh to Ireland and her photo was so adorable where she actually sat down on the road and then you know I had it zoomed out and that photo was really stunning and and I think just that one image did bring a lot of um tourism to Ireland in that sense but you can do a Game of Thrones tore there they take you around different places that you can see and you can do there um so yeah there are so many places and there are many others Malta Malta for one and in fact the other day I was speaking with my friend and I said look we haven’t been to Malta and she said wasn’t Game of Thrones sh there maybe we can keep half a day just to go and see and I think it was one of the saddest scenes in the episode where Ned Stark is executed and that is a palace fort in Malta that was probably the first first season last episode and I think that was when Game of Thrones got to the level that it became where people were like oh wow this guy seems like the main character nothing can happened to him and suddenly George RR Martin decided that okay this person should be executed and everyone was like okay this is going to be a top show of course it didn’t end the way everyone expected it to end and everyone was disappointed by it but let’s keep Game of Thrones aside yeah just the last Point I’ve actually been to esav which uh in Morocco uh it was the white and blue City supports City and I happen to be in Morocco and I said I am so close I didn’t go in there for Game of Thrones but I just love the city and then I realized hey this was also a part of uh Game of Thrones so I think they’ve shot in so many different places that you will end up going somewhere and definitely whether it is Spain Malta whether it is Morocco Iceland Croatia you will end up being in a place where Game of Thrones was shot definitely you know another TV show that just came to my mind is the Vikings by the History Channel right and the Vikings I think it’s in its fifth season now and it talks about king Ragnar of nor yes and they’ve shown nor amazingly well in that but as king Ragnar and the Vikings started venturing out of Norway they decided and they are the ones who found Iceland right and then one of them decided to go to a place which had no green and that’s why he was like because there is no green I’m going to call this place Greenland yes so um the Vikings showcased different places in Iceland different places in Norway they also showcased medieval uh France when King ragna wanted to actually capture the City of Paris and when he first saw the visual of Paris of course he did not manage to do that but that was also something uh super unique that you know I came across another TV show just want to add there that a lot of Vikings again was shot in Ireland so they show it at Scandinavia but a lot of I that Lo is uh was sh it was it is where it was shot and a lot of it was shot there so you know sometimes I think they show one place but they shoot somewhere else and in both of the places become popular what was that exactly so in huk of course that’s a movie but then they keep saying I’m going to Italy and then he says I’m in Italy and and then you see Budapest all over out there right and then because we know this place we were like oh this is not right yeah for a long time Neil tourists on our tours would come to Italy and keep asking where is the hukam spot and we’d say oh you’ll have to book the next tour to Budapest for that you know so this is not Happ that’s that’s a pretty good thing people would go to Italy trying to find those places and you don’t find them and suddenly you’re like oh it wasn’t short here many many movies have actually um done that you know another TV show that comes to B which has changed not changed but change brought in more interest for a destination is Master Chef Australia right of course it’s a TV show it may be a reality show but what Master Chef Australia did and even in its nth season now I don’t even know how many seasons have been going on yesterday I was watching a clip on Instagram where someone made a panipuri for the judges and you watched it right it was insane Master Chef Australia it started off in a studio and then they realize that okay we have the Australian you’re right it does influence because when I was in Tasmania I mean I wouldn’t have paid so much attention earlier but the salanka markets inard I got to know about it from Master Australia so like now when we planning and curating itineries we make sure people have their time to go and also have a culinary experience in the country or go to a Master Chef Australia restaurant if they want to uh but yeah you’re right it it got a lot of interest for Australia like I was watching what was was it White Lotus that was shot in where was Hawaii right yeah it was shot at one Resort in Hawaii yeah the Four Seasons in Hawaii so see suddenly because that was shot at a beach I didn’t really like the TV show as much because it ends like okay confused me I was at the end what is the story but the loc I mean the location looks so it kind of reminds you that hey you’ve not been to Hawaii maybe you know on your next trip to the US or Japan or whatever trying and add a flight go into Hawaii and do that I was saying that you know when you are on a beach and you look at the beach destination and it reminds you of being somewhere or you want to go there like you start I think the the trick is when you start googling to find out which is this uh place what is it and uh one of the recent Hindi in fact uh series the night manager I don’t know if You’ seen it with Anil kapor so his villa which is shown is do you know where it is no it’s actually in Sri Lanka okay so it’s close the it’s easy to reach and it’s suon Villa so it’s a property by jet wings and in fact they were in our office the other day the owners of the hotels and uh he said it’s become life has become easier after the TV series has gone on because it’s so beautifully sh and it’s right at the edge so you know when you want that escape where you want to relax just be by yourself by the pool by the beach I don’t think they could have found a better advertisement than the TV series I think because it got me Googling to hey where is this Villa where is it film and it was the jet wings property in Sri Lanka so you know whenever I’m meeting with any tourism board or someone I often tell them that you know if you want to generate interest for a destination one is of course you can play pay an a Lister and get get them to come right but another one is when a movie is shot there you’re getting more eyeballs for a longer period of time see today even if you watch um White Lotus you’ll feel like going to Hawaii you will probably feel like going to um jpur if you watch another Bish Bandits right so that’s something that really gets you eyeballs for a longer period of time and often let’s say Abu Dhabi has uh ranir Singh but once that contract is over anir might go somewhere else and then eyeballs are gone but when it’s in a movie it stays on for a longer period of time especially a movie or a TV series like our topic today was TV series if the name itself has the destination then you I think hit the jackpot because it just stays with you so Emily in Paris oh yeah it is the best example I think of uh you know again everyone would say I didn’t like the show I didn’t like the show but everyone waited for the next episode so I always tell people hey you you’re waiting to watch it that’s a good point yeah and then you’re you’re saying I didn’t like the show but you’re still waiting and I think for for Emily in Paris the real star was Paris itself right the city so of course it was fun it was Nob brainer it’s a weekend watch it’s like you remember the time when we did an episode just based on money Heist yes where we took each of the destinations and we spoke about each of the destinations that is also something yes Berlin Tokyo all the characters were named against cities and uh that was interesting that was that was a that was a fun one uh as well you know during the pandemic I started binging on krama okay or Korean drama right and I remember seeing Busan being shown of course with a lot of CGI um in one of the TV shows that was called The King right but do you like do any K dramas come to your mind when you so I saw one but it didn’t really have too much about the location MH but it it I I got intrigued by the Korean way of life okay I think for me the K dramas really showed you this way of life how they’re living what is happening and suddenly I felt this urge to go of course I’ve been to South Korea but I wanted to go back and see again but one K drama Neil that worked not for Korea but for another country was crash landing on you okay and it was filmed at this small little really pretty Village in Switzerland okay um in near Interlaken and it’s called a self W and they actually have a sign now saying crash landing on you and all the Koreans wanted to go there so again uh that was something that worked for a something similar to what ddlg did similar for swizerland for Indian I think crash landing on you will probably do that let’s go to the US M what TV shows come to your mind well there are so many out there uh of course New York is really popular but we’ll come to New York later I think one of the shows that kind of got the location the Intrigue and everything together and the lifestyle was big little eyes so big little eyes was I think on Apple TV and it was based in montre and biger and I love those places so you know even this Fe when I went to California and we were driving and in fact Vina was with me and I was telling her hey we are living the big little lies lifestyle out here you know driving around being on the coast seeing the beautiful coast of California stopping by and the highway one the beautiful Highway one out there in fact you know you can actually just make a whole tour of California even for 10 days drive around every day see different places and big little eyes really brought California up there so I think for for me that was something that worked very well um lot of the shows are based in New York they talk of New York and I think one alltime favorite show for everybody of course is friends and you can go to grenwich Village and see the exterior of the building where it was uh filmed I think and I I think grenage Village is also home to another one of my favorite uh you know series probably not many people might have seen it but it’s called marvelous Mrs masil and uh that is where they show the gas light Pub so again this was a series that took me back a little bit back in time and and the Jewish area of New York right so this Jewish area of New York how the rich Jews lived out there and what happened and her story and the comedy clubs and how they started in New York so it was quite interesting to see that uh I think I would like to name at least one more because there’s a whole list of things in New York but um uh Sex and the City was I think the Muse is New York out here right everything that they do York York in succession too succession they going in helicopters everywhere goip girl and succession and I New York is probably the most cast City or Manhattan um would be the most cast City u in in Modern Love New York like Modern Love was a series again where the name of the city featured like they had Modern Love Mumbai they have Modern Love New York they have a modern love Amsterdam as well oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I actually watched the Amsterdam one because of the name Amsterdam you know so New York was the a fun one like with with everything revolving around things in New York and kind of gives you that New York Life and what to expect and what to do but Neil you know what a lot of these shows are actually shot in Toronto oh so they call it New York also was shot in Toronto I think for a long time yeah yeah so even mad men based in New York but completely short why is that you think so Toronto I think has easier it’s it’s much easier to shoot out there like imagine New York is so busy to be able to create a shoot all day the permissions that they would need to block the traffic to keep people away and just expense like Toronto is much cheaper to do and in fact when we were in Toronto you can actually do a tour that shows you places that were you know featured in many movies and TV series uh and how and the similarity to New York comes in so Montreal and Toronto were two places where a lot of these things that say like suits in New York so all of these were actually filmed in Canada you know you realize a shift that has happened over the last 15 years where we used to go to Universal Studios to see rides or experience rides like at an amusement park so that we get a feel of the movies that are shot by Universal yeah but now places like Croatia places like Iceland even places in the US you’re not going to an amusement park as much but you’re also doing a city tour where you’re like okay this movie or this TV show was shot here this movie or this TV show was shot here and that is a real change in perspectives because earlier we were just looking at monuments we were looking at the history of monuments but there are TV shows that are bringing monuments to life there are TV shows that are really ensuring that some forgotten monuments also come back to life and people really want to do that and many movies have done that many TV shows have done that like avar did that for a place in China called Jang which is the pen I’ve been there and it’s super unique but still hidden from the world just because people don’t know that these mountains exist and that was U quite unique from the US MH let’s come to London let’s come to the UK what shows do you can you think of so I think something that everyone relates to is Sherlock Holmes yeah and 21 Baker Street has was an you know I was walking past that uh last year when I was in London and people were just cing photos photos photos like all the time yeah yeah I think the first time I visited London I made it a point to go there because it was it’s beautiful just to stand there or something that you’ve read it was not just TV series it’s also books right and even in the books they would say of how people used to write there so people actually still write to that address and there uh the address there is a bank and they actually had to put put a person to answer all the letters coming in because so many people were writing in that they said we have to do something about it so B Street is it’s something about England and the United Kingdom where it is imperative that you write back to a letter right not an email but right back to a letter and we saw that in the crown also yes because Crown showed Buckingham Palace the crown showed wi Castle it showed a lot of Countryside a lot of London as well yeah so that was um that was something that was unique and not far from Baker Street is Madame Tad so you know if you’re if you you’re there on a holiday and you want your photographs with all the wax figures of famous people across the world it’s a it’s a great little uh trip and you see a lot of the Indian actors cricketers verat Koh is there um I’m sure now I think Downtown Abby also it’s one of again my favorite shows and in fact Neil we had someone coming in who wanted to go and see it and experience it it’s just about 2 hours from from London it’s called highclare castle and you can do a tour you can actually go in and visit so we curated it for someone you really feel like you’re a royalty visiting these places so it’s nice to go and see where the where the film was shot so that kind of did it the other one is Bridgeton so London and s featur in Bridgeton also again period dramas takes you back in time but uh uh the countryside of the UK is just stunning and I think Gods worlds and so many other places Oxford Stratford you know all these places about 2 hours from London are an amazing way to go in and taking the beauty of all these places you know they often say now Neil what do you like what keeps you up at night right two questions still keep me up at night okay one was Shah ruk Khan getting out of a helicopter and running for the arti in kabi Kushi kabi where was that short because I still haven’t been able to figure out how um what that was if you have the answer to that and the second one again Shah ruk Khan mob the the college that he’s teaching at yeah those two things I’ve not been able to figure out where they have been shot and guys if you manage to figure out by the time this podcast goes out put it out uh put it on the video at least because those are two things that I’ve not been able to figure out now NE you know those movies really gave me uh at least made me imagine how manut will be from the inside where you know he’ll have like this massive staircase and like say it inspired you to go and study some but no because outside you you see manad from outside and you see like some unique structure but what it could be from the inside I always thought that you know it’ll be like this crazy staircase or anything but you know one second before we go ahead on the topic of UK I have to mention the Outlander okay because this is a series that that has you know sparked off so much interest in Scotland and uh in the show maybe you’ve not missed it but it’s about time travel and she goes back in time and then she falls in love with the person and blah blah blah and she comes back so there is this Stone where you if you go and you sit there and you can fall into something and travel back in time and there’s been so much demand to go and see it in Scotland that it’s amazing like they want to go and see if there’s something Eerie about it is there really a force of nature out there or not but uh when you speak of Nature and Scotland I think the Landscapes are unmatched um of course it’s featured in a lot of movies too but uh Scotland you know with the Highland Games with their Kilts and with their back pipes the music also kind of hits your heart in some way so it it kind of it’s a very yearning longing kind of a feeling when you’re in Scotland Outlander they have now like they have uh multi-day tours of Outlander toour so if you want to visit there so not just one day tour like manih High in Spain in Madrid you have a 2 and a half hour walking tour and it takes you from laad like the the real the palace from there to rtio park you can walk with a guide who has the money iced mask and you can walk around but Outlander Scotland has multi-day trips that you can take well we’ve spoken for the last 28 odd minutes about a lot of these TV shows one final TV show that came to my mind was House of Cards and how it showed Washington Washington DC right because the capital of the United States is not shown as much unless it’s like a movie like Independence Day where aliens are like attacking earth and suddenly the president has to do something and all that is in but um that was one that came to my mind but I wanted to end this episode by not mentioning another TV show or anything but I wanted to ask you that why do you think there are suddenly people who want to just travel to these locations we get requests that you know someone wants to go visit a particular place or wants to do a tour in Croatia just of Game of Thrones places so why this sudden interest yeah we’ve also done I don’t think it’s sudden but uh you know after znmd came we we actually did a tour that did all the places that they covered Tomatina became was common knowledge suddenly everybody knew where it was everyone knew where binol was like the movie did a fantastic job so I think uh what is happening is you know we are spending more and more time on Amazon primes and Netflix and Apple TV and all of that uh it’s it’s kind of exploded in that sense where we are spending our weekends watching these things and when you see a beautiful loc it plays on the back of your mind that hey I want to go there so I don’t think it’s like I think for like true fans of the show they want to go there and kind of relive that moment I think that works uh for a lot and the others just want to go and experience the beautiful countryside the beautiful landscape so I think you know okay it’s it’s a movie but Harry Potter series uh that that is where people really want to experience that they want to feel that and you’ll see that even on King’s cross right like they have the the platform that’s named 9 three quarters I think right so even when my daughter was much younger SAR was much younger she insisted she had to go there I think she really believed something is going to happen when she goes there so I think they get so invested in the show that you want to be it makes you in a way part of the show I guess like when you’re walking on the walls of U in Du bronic uh you feel like you’re part of Kings Landing and not duonic Croatia so it transports you into the show so I guess you become a part of the show yeah in in some way but for most of it otherwise it’s like hey I know that this is so beautiful and you know it should be on my bucket list to go and visit that so I think that at least for me that part works really well when you see so in fact like there is a new show or I don’t know if it’s new but I saw it now on Netflix and I want to see it just so I can look at the place I don’t care what the story is it’s got Kevin Cosner so it can’t be too bad but it’s called Yellowstone and something and Yellowstone National Park who wouldn’t want to look at the beautiful locales and the stunning uh sites in Yellowstone so uh just to watch Yellowstone I will start watching the show whether the shows good or not I think I think it works the reverse as well so you’re going to San Sebastian in a week’s time and to Dragon any other place that is on your bucket list you haven’t planned a trip to which connects to a TV show the movie uh I can’t or a TV show I can’t really think of something right away but like I mentioned Malta Malta was a part of on my mind for a very long time uh and uh you know when you can’t go then what do you do the next best thing to do is launch a tour so we have a tour to Sicily was uh another place so we’ve kind of combined the best of the best and and Sicily Malta and Tunisia is our new new tour and I’m happy to say that people are really receiving it well they’re liking it so uh that is a new tour that is launched and I think Tunisia have been so Malta and Sicily are two places next on my list well I’m sure you’ll be there in 2024 itself I think let’s end let’s end this episode on that listeners and viewers thank you so much for tuning in to travel explore Celebrate life this was our episode about the locations that we see in the TV CDs that all of us like and I’m sure at the end of this the marketing team and podcasting team at Vina world is also going to try and figure out how many times sunila said that this is my favorite TV show because at least five times this came up is what I more than one right yeah so anyways see you next time and until then keep celebrating life but before we finish if you like this episode subscribe and tell your friends about it because we want all of us to celebrate life together see you next time bye bye

Curious about the real-world locations of your favorite TV shows? In this special episode, join Veena World Podcasts hosts Neil Patil, Co-founder, CTO, & COO, and Sunila Patil, Co-founder and CPO at Veena World, as they take you on an exciting journey around the globe, uncovering the real-life locations behind some of the most iconic TV series.

From the mystical landscapes of “Game of Thrones” in Croatia and Iceland to the bustling streets of Toronto that stand in for New York City in shows like “Mad Men” and “Succession,” we’ve got it all covered. Get ready for fascinating insights, fun trivia, and lively banter as Neil and Sunila explore the filming spots that brought your beloved shows to life.

Whether you’re a die-hard TV fan or just love a good story, this episode is packed with captivating anecdotes and insider knowledge that will leave you craving more. Embark on this globe-trotting adventure through the world of television! 🎧

Experience the journey with Neil and Sunila to the real-world settings of your favorite TV shows. Subscribe to the TECL Podcast for more exciting episodes, and never miss a moment of the action!

If you like this episode, check out the other interesting episode of TECL Podcast: (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwUUzbxKRXJhPRrOAAIRXsKAJ2D8bjSwV&si=3hLsxns4mer1y5nc)

Join the conversation! Follow the podcast hosts on their socials:
Neil Patil, Co-founder, COO and CTO at Veena World
– Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patilneil/
– Twitter: https://x.com/ineilpatil
– Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neilpatil1612/

Sunila Patil, Co-founder and CPO at Veena World
– Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunila_patil/
– Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sunila-patil-a7152680/

Experience the New Tunisia Malta Sicily Tour with us.
Book Now – https://www.veenaworld.com/package/tunisia-malta-sicily-tour-package-eusm

Do Rate, Review and Subscribe the TECL Podcast on your preferred podcasting platform –
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@VeenaWorld/podcasts)
Spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/3qo3cdwpzSGV6NLR2Pn8QK?si=d51da5b38c3a467c)
Apple Podcasts (https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/travel-explore-celebrate-life/id1549826354)

Show Credits:
Created by Veena World Team

Show Producer: Sumit Pande
Video Editors: Nishigandha Sawant and Shubham Varandekar
Graphic Designer: Kshama Pradhan

Production by Kya Dekhte Ho Productions
Show Director: Ayush Singh
DOP: Swapnil Petare
Sound Recordist and Editor: Shantanu Kamble (Dodo)

Video chapters:
00:00 Preview
01:13 Show Logo
01:31 Disclaimer
01:35 Introduction to the topic – TV Series and their locations
03:14 Netflix’s Heeramandi
06:05 DD’s Surabhi
07:54 Prime’s Bandish bandits
08:43 HBO’s Game of thrones
14:59 History’s Vikings
16:16 Bhansali’s Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam
17:01 Endemol Shine’s MasterChef Australia
18:04 HBO’s White Lotus
18:51 Hotstar’s Night Manager
19:36 Why Cinema is the best advertising for Destination tourism?
20:35 Netflix’s Emily In Paris
21:03 Netflix’s Money Heist
21:21 Neil and Sunila on K-dramas
22:01 Netflix’s Crash Landing On You
22:36 HBO’s Big Little Lies
23:42 Netflix’s Friends
24:00 Amazon Prime’s The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
24:26 HBO’s Sex and The City
24:37 HBO’s Succession
24:50 Amazon Prime’s Modern Love Series
25:16 Why New York Based TV-Shows Shot In Toronto?
26:09 Trend Talk: Cinema-Based Tours
27:20 BBC’s Sherlock Holmes
28:20 Netflix’s Crown
28:51 Amazon Prime’s Downtown Abby
29:17 Netflix’s Bridgerton
29:40 Two mysteries in Neil’s mind
30:46 Netflix’s Outlander
32:26 Netflix’s House of Cards
32:49 Why Cinema locations are so much preferred for Travel?
35:06 Netflix’s Yellowstone
35:34 Veena World’s New Tour: Sicily
36:19 Outro
36:38 Credits

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