We went and saw La Sagrada Família in Barcelona, which is a very unique and beautiful Roman Catholic church – that is not finished yet!! The story behind the church is so cool (which I explain in the video) and it looks so different from other churches and cathedrals we’ve seen. La Sagrada Família was designed by Antoni Gaudí, who didn’t get to see it finished – at the time of his death in 1926, less than a quarter of the project was complete.

La Sagrada Familia is a must-see if you’re in Barcelona, definitely worth the money to get in, even though it’s also amazing looking on the outside. 🙂

Subscribe to my channel: http://goo.gl/y9hQsB

If you are interested in more lifestyle videos then maybe check out my other channel GoDownsize: https://www.youtube.com/user/godownsizecom

Camera gear used to film these videos:
Camera Sony: http://amzn.to/1HBjEaF
Boom mic:    http://amzn.to/1HBjKzf
Iphone 6se: http://amzn.to/1HBjTm5
GoPro Hero: http://amzn.to/1LoUJrB
Macbook Pro:   http://amzn.to/1SstJgm

Light weight items we use for traveling:
Baby chair: http://amzn.to/2lSLg52
Bugaboo Stroller: http://amzn.to/2meIwAC
sun canopy: http://amzn.to/2mhPYg1
Travel bed/tent: http://amzn.to/2lSWNB9
Bath tub: http://amzn.to/2nas8k9
Suitcase: http://amzn.to/2mSv4FY

FOLLOW me on:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/one_girl_one_suitcase/
My Blog:   http://www.GoDownsize.com/
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/1Girl1Suitcase

Music Credits:
“XXV” – Used with permission from https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/
“Miei” – Used with permission from https://brokeforfree.bandcamp.com/
“Shine” – By Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud


  1. After what happened yesterday, my heart skipped a beat when I saw the "Barcelona" heading and prayed that you were all okay. The church is beautiful, and speaking of beautiful, Max's reaction to the lemon is priceless.

  2. So glad you got to Barcelona before the recent sad attack by misguided people. That beautiful church I have seen pictures of before, but never such a good mini-tour & explanation. Definitely a MUST see. How exciting to hear it is to be finished by 2024! Glad to see also that you seem to do well with your new diet, Maria – because you look very healthy! Loved Max's lemon face! I worry when I see Morton, though, not wearing a hat in that sun! Not much hair covering that head of his! ❤️❤️❤️

  3. This church is unlike any building you have shown us. Are all the decorations on the outside of the building hand carved? They are so detailed. You are right that the stained glass causes some spectacular colors on the ceilings and columns. Loved watching Maxx eat the lemon.

  4. When my husband and I were backpacking in Spain in 2012, we decided to save the money and not go inside Sagrada Familia. We still regret that decision!

    Love your videos!

  5. I loved this video! I'm a new creator and I've been experimenting with different types of videos on my channel. I posted my first vlog this morning and I was hoping you could take a look and share any advice or wisdom you may have. I really like vlogging and I think that is what I am going to continue to do.

  6. I was just there yesterday and I agree with you – go inside! It was so worth the money. In fact, I've never been inside such a beautiful building. There are elements which I am going to try and incorporate into my house back in Canada. I also agree, I've never been a fan of stained glass!

  7. Loved the video, the way of showing not only the Basilica but also Barcelona. The architectural and historical explanations where very accurate. Congratulations and thanks for loving my city.

  8. Hi,

    I’m working for Jetlag (https://www.facebook.com/Jetlagbydemotivateur), wich is the biggest media about travel in France with more than 500K followers on Facebook. Each month, our content reaches a very important audience online and our videos are viewed by almost 40 millions of people all over the world.

    We want to make a video report about Sagrada Família (in Barcelona, Spain) and really loved what you've shot. That's why we're asking you the right to use parts of them.

    If you agree, it will be publish on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Of course, your account will be credited on screen and tag with a clickable link. This is a great opportunity for your work to become more and more famous. This is actually a winning collaboration for both of us. So it would be a real pleasure to work with you.

    If you need to see some examples of video content that we post on Jetlag, look here :




    Please let us know if you agree,

    Thanks !

  9. I was in Barcelona in November – SO MANY PEOPLE – re:comment about no lift in the metro. Why would anyone take children to places where they are too young to remember — the children don't remember and the parents are not able to completely enjoy the joy of this travel experience.

  10. Sagrada Familia comes from our Past but is also will be in the Future. Thanks for not only for showing the History and the inside but I want to Thank you ,for showing your family this Master Piece of the World. Thanks Gaudi, you really did honor our LORD

  11. As God is pushed out or woefully neglected by more secular society, tho Basilica will grow to make His presence known. Hopefully the surrounding parishes meet the demand of ministry.

  12. Еслиб не была , мало бы что поняла .Но , действительно , эмоции зашкаливают от красоты и великолепия божества , которое в себе несет Саграда Фамилия .

  13. Кстати , фото мое , сделано в Барселоне , напротив дома великого зодчего — Гауди.
    Вечная ему Слава и Память за великое наследие для народа , который он любил и с такой невероятной мощью своего таланта и сил , заботился .

  14. please o please drop the word "cool" especially when describing a serious work of art, I mean ice creams are cool… nice video though! 🙂

  15. You showed as two gays kissing, broken Masonic column and naked Jesus on the cross. I didn't  see in any church naked Jesus no the cross. Gaudi
    was the Masson it means Satanists  and this kind of person designs this church.

  16. For someone who has traveled as much as you have, you don't seem to know the rules of "church etiquette"…It is consider CRUDE to enter ANY church, temple, house of worship in a tank top–like you just came from the gym. I'm talking about the man you were with. Read some travel guides and learn how to properly avoid offending the locals and looking un-mannered. By the way–you were in the BASILICA OF THE HOLY FAMILY, NOT "a church". It is one of the most famous buildings in the world and deserves more respect than you gave it. Im surprised that they even let you enter.

  17. I greatly appreciate your wonderful video, Maria! AND, Max is adorable. What a cutie! The thought occurred to me, as a blessing to you: YOU are a stained glass window through which the Light of God shines in kindness, generosity, and good teaching. God bless your sweet family and you!

  18. AWEsome church. I visited the Sagrada Familia- 15 years ago. God willing, I will be there in less than 1 year. Awesome video. Thank you for sharing. Salutations from California, USA. 👍👍

  19. 6:44 "he was killed on site" …that's is incorrect …he actually only died 3 days later mostly because of lack of medical care as he was confused for a beggar and taken to some low end hospital for the poor.

  20. So if im not wrong this is the day after the terrost attacks i guess you filmed it way earlier , and wonder if you got involved in all that mess? happy you were unaffected

  21. I visited the La Sagrada Familia in 2009, while listening to the self guided recording. There was a passage towards the beginning of the tour which mentioned what Gaudi felt would be the purpose of the cathedral. I so wish I had written it down – paraphrasing it said something to the effect that "it would be a place where anyone could enter with a need and have that ____?___ (addressed/answered/?) when s/he walked out." Afterwards, I realized how profound was his vision for the cathedral. As I said, I just wish I had taken written notes.

  22. If you haven't found the answer to how Spain got all that money to build the expensive architecture of Barcelona, consider reading about the history of how Spain colonized the Caribbean and South America and the $$$ it made from its plantations in those regions.

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