The Sierra Nevada is a spectacular range of mountains stretching 400 miles, from Fredonyer Pass in the north to Tehachapi Pass in the south. Bounded on the west by California’s Central Valley, and on the east by the Great Basin. Several of its peaks soar above 14,000 feet. It is a land of granite, glacial ice, alpine lakes, deep canyons, conifer forests, and meadows. It is a part of nature so magnificent, so sublime, that it refreshes the human spirit.

Very simply stated: I love the Sierra Nevada Mountains. I live about 40 miles from the Sierra’s western base. Throughout my life these mountains have been a source of many wonderful adventures. Their beauty inspires a deep and abiding passion that draws me to them. This video is a photo slide show of some of the photos I took while hiking from 2008-2010.

If you would like to learn more about the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California please visit

NOTE: The aspect ratio appears to be a little messed up. The photo images are thin and narrow.


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