What a sensational place! Sorry there has been no video for a few days, but we had no internet for the last few days. Finally got some great speed at our new location 🙂 Donostia San Sebastian is an amazing place, we would definitely go back in a heart beat! The food was sensational, the people were amazing, there was nothing that we would change..

We hope you enjoy the video 🙂



  1. that main square used to be a bull ring, and that's why balconys had numbers. it's like your seat number when you go to the cinema.
    by the way, when you go on a pintxo crawl you should ask for the speciality in each place. usually hot pintxos from the kitchen are the best. we locals don't go to pintxo bars where you have a number for each pintxo, those bars are more for tourists.
    we socialize with friends going to bars to drink something. we eat one or two pintxos in each place and we move to the next bar. eating pintxos is a way not to get too drunk hahahaha.
    hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed Australia. have a good time.

  2. This seems to be a very interesting place, I hope I can visit sometime in the future. Seeing and sharing places like this is why I love traveling and make videos so much! And please keep up the great job! Subscribed!!

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